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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Brother Steven Goguen, A.A. Dies PDF Print E-mail

Brother Stephen P. Goguen, A.A.Brother Stephen P. Goguen, A.A., 70, died Saturday, April 19, in the Assumptionist Center, Brighton, after a long illness.

He leaves his Assumptionist brothers and nieces and nephews.

He was born in Gardner, son of the late Albert and Angeline (Roy) Goguen. He graduated from Assumption Preparatory School in Worcester and earned advanced degrees in English and Psychology from the SUNY in Buffalo, NY

He was professed as an Augustinian of the Assumption on February 28, 1960. He served in community assignments as a teacher, administrator and formator at Our Lady of Lourdes Minor Seminary in Cassadaga, NY, at Incarnation Parish in Tampa, FL, at Assumption College in Worcester, at Saint Anne’s Church and Shrine in Sturbridge and at the Assumptionist Center in Brighton. He was a trustee of Assumption College since 1982.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 January 2012 15:01
Bro. Stephen PDF Print E-mail

Bro. Stephen's death is a great loss to the Assumptionist family. He truly lived up to his name as "Brother" not only to us Cassadagans but to employees and colleagues alike. Many of us will remember him as a young, handsome brother who taught us Anatomy as sophomores, acted as infirmarian ("Take two aspirins" was the antidote for every ailment), and oversaw the Cassadaga checking accounts.

In later years, it must be said that he only mellowed the more, reaching out to former students and acting a spiritual director for many young AA religious.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 January 2012 14:55
Br. Stephen Goguen, A.A. PDF Print E-mail

Over the past year Bro. Steve's health has been diminishing quite noticeably as his emphysema gradually destroys his lung capacity. After a brief stay in a nursing home in Brighton, he requested to return home to our community in Brighton at 330 Market Street. He is in good spirits, but is limited in his movements. He has been receiving visitors and loves to receive mail (330 Market St., Brighton, MA 012135). As much as possible, he tries to stay involved in various meetings and events. You can also reach him at 1-617-783-0400

J.L. Franck

Another Reunion! Sturbridge PDF Print E-mail

Sunday, August 26, 2007 was a another wonderful gathering, with great connections, great music, and great food. Much credit goes to Harry Aubuchon, Milty, and of course our whole committee for the planning. Harry's few words about the Associates made me realize how much those formative times 40 years ago are still such a big part of me now. Those men of the cloth who were Assumptionists made a huge impact on us adolescent boys.

There's talk of Pittsburgh 2008, and another Sturbridge 2010 maybe...

Richard Gallant '67, left in '66

Lourdes 2008 PDF Print E-mail

Greetings from Paris where I recently attended the national pilgrimage to Lourdes which has been organized annually by the Assumptionists since 1873, just 15 years after the apparitions to St. Bernadette. I was there this year to prepare for the sesquicentennial of the apparitions next year (1858-2008). I have been asked by the international steering committee to bring a 'large' contingent of pilgrims from the USA. It would be great if we could put together a group of former Cassadagans, their spouses, and friends to attend in 2008. If anyone is interested in participating in such an experience, he should get in touch with Tomasz Kierul, the Director of Development for the Assumptionists, at Having spent all those at OLLO, wouldn't it be wonderful to see the real thing? It is a magical place, I can assure you.

J. L. Franck

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