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Home WHO WE ARE History Cassadaga Seminary Stories Bro. Stephen


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Bro. Stephen's death is a great loss to the Assumptionist family. He truly lived up to his name as "Brother" not only to us Cassadagans but to employees and colleagues alike. Many of us will remember him as a young, handsome brother who taught us Anatomy as sophomores, acted as infirmarian ("Take two aspirins" was the antidote for every ailment), and oversaw the Cassadaga checking accounts.

In later years, it must be said that he only mellowed the more, reaching out to former students and acting a spiritual director for many young AA religious.

Some of us may have wanted him to stand out more and assert his many qualities, but that was just not his way. He was always unassuming, self-effacing to a fault, and quietly effective.

I would be surprised if there was any among us, Cassadagans, who was not, at one time or another, a recipient of his kindnesses.

I would like to suggest that we Cassadagans create a scholarship or foundation in his memory, the proceeds of which would serve to help those young Assumptionists who not only were the latest beneficiaries of his wisdom but also the ones that will carry on his spirit.

J .L .Franck

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 January 2012 14:55
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