You're invited to discuss any aspect of Cassadaga Seminary life. Here you can share your memories, refresh contacts, etc...
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Dennis Jean
I remember a sophomore named "Dennis Jean" who was there from Assumption Prep the first year. He was my mentor (I was 14, he was 15) Does anybody know where Dennis is these days?
I also remember Brother Robert Frances (whom I have since heard has passed away) he was only 24 years old when we all joined OLLO.
Does anyone remember the "field and track day" we had the first year, complete with a Marathon? I think Ridlon won the marathon that first year.
Also, the makeshift hockey rink the faculty made for us and the seminarians played the priests and brothers?
- Ted Pysh
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006
That first year
I remember arriving from Pittsburgh after a 5 or 6 hour car drive with my family (seven of us) and my parents had to leave almost immediately because they had to drive back to Pittsburgh. Also I remember listening on the radio as the Pirates beat the Yankees in the World Series.
Thanksgiving was at a Boy Scout Camp, playing Capture the Flag, a phone call from home telling me I had a new sister, there were now 8 kids.
- William P. Lennon
Posted: Wed May 31, 2006
Talk about "temps perdu"
Thanks to all for this wonderful avenue. As I approach 60, my long term memory is better than my short term, so it is really spinning with "connections" since I came upon this site a few days ago.
I want More!!!
You guys can begin by completing ALL the categories on your profile. Especially the Pittsburgh guys (we are a special group in this special group)
Sorry I missed the reunion; there is so much to catch up on.
- Bob Luczak
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006
A glimpse from the past
Thank you very much for this web site. I saw the picture on the home page and it brought back some wonderful memories. I have been wondering how to find some of my classmates from that era as well as some of the religious. I attended OLLO for two years and then it closed and some of us transfered to Assumptiom Prep. I hope to hear from some of you guys soon. 
- Dave Roy
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005
This is wonderful!
Hello To All!
A few days ago, for some unknown reason, I was wondering if there was any info on the web about OLLO. I did a Google search and voila! I am so glad this site exists and I want to thank "Bro. Steve" and the AA's for putting this online. Warmest best regards to all fellow OLLIES who find this site. And a Happy Easter to all!
- Paul St Onge
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005