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The Church needs prayer as much as apostolic zeal.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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The Skies of Babylon - Diversity, Nihilism, and the American University PDF Print E-mail

BarryBercier_BabylonTHE SKIES OF BABYLON - Diversity, Nihilism, And The American University
by Barry Bercier, A.A.
ISI Books, Wilmington, Delaware, 2007.

In this book the author provides the reader with a work of profound depth and understanding as he examines what teaching attempts to do in the context of a university setting. He reflects on the meaning of diversity, on the importance of speaking and language and its use in the legal process. In addition, he honors the scriptural and sacramental tradition of the Church and her own inner resources for internal reformation and renewal. As an extension, the author affirms the power of Western tradition to renew itself with respect to the American regime in transmitting its heritage to which our universities should be dedicated.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 March 2011 08:49
Blessed are the Vulnerable PDF Print E-mail

Blessed are the VulnerableBlessed Are The Vulnerable: Reaching Out to Those with AIDS
By Vincent Leclerq A.A.
260 pages

Another doctor in theology, Vincent Leclerq, has himself published, in English, the thesis that he defended in the United States in 2007, at the Weston School of Theology. A physician and specialist in Ethics, Vincent studied those afflicted with AIDS, their vulnerability and the need to define a theological ethic that would address their situation. His book, edited by Bayard in the USA, is entitled “Blessed are the Vulnerable”.

Last Updated on Thursday, 28 October 2010 10:05
30 Minutes for God: Insights on Prayer for Everyday Life PDF Print E-mail

30 Minutes for God: Insights on Prayer for Everyday Life30 Minutes for God: Insights on Prayer for Everyday Life
By Andre Seve, A.A.
Translated by M. Angeline Bouchard, Edited by Edgar Bourque, A.A.
New City Press, New Your, 2nd printing, 1991
115 pages

Like the original text, this edition focuses on a person’s hunger and search for a personal relationship with God through prayer. For as one’s spiritual life grows, often filled with many challenges and obstacles, it effects one’s whole day and indeed one’s whole life and the world at large.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 12:30
The Assumptionists - From Past to Present PDF Print E-mail

The Assumptionists - From Past to PresentThe Assumptionists - From Past to Present
By Lucien Guissard, A.A.
Bayard Publications, 2002.

As stated in the preface of this book, Fr. Richard Lamoureux, A.A. states that Fr. Guissard “helps us to appreciate the Assumptionists’ contribution to the life of the Church and to the culture of our various nations.” This is achieved by noting the congregation’s apostolates of teaching, ecumenical work, missionary endeavors, parish ministry, the press and pilgrimages. In the last analysis, this book presents the difficulties, failures, challenges and successes which the congregation has experienced and will continue to grapple with in the future.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 12:25
Christ is my life - The spiritual legacy of Emmanuel d'Alzon PDF Print E-mail

Christ is my life - The spiritual legacy of Emmanuel d'AlzonChrist is my life - The spiritual legacy of Emmanuel d'Alzon
By Andre Seve, A.A.
Translated by M. Angeline Bouchard
New City Press, New York, 1988
175 pages

As the Augustinians of the Assumption prepared to celebrate the anniversary of their founder’s death, Fr. Seve was inspired to write a book on Fr. d’Alzon. Though not a biography, it does reflect Fr. d’Alzon’s impact on his community and the Church of his times in a masterful way by focusing on his love of Christ, his Trinitarian spirituality, his commitment to prayer, his dedication to study and zeal for the Kingdom of God. This book would truly be a source of encouragement for anyone interested in the renewal of the Church today.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 12:19
D’Alzon: Fighter for God PDF Print E-mail

D’Alzon: Fighter for GodD’Alzon: Fighter for God
By Richard Richards, A.A.
The Assumptionists, Third Printing, Bayard, 2010
51 pages

In this third printing of the life of Fr. Emmanuel d’Alzon, founder of the Augustinians of the Assumption, the author clearly and concisely chronicles his early years, career options, early priesthood, influential mentors, evolving religious vocation and subsequent apostolates in service to the Church. Inspired by the spirituality of St. Augustine, Fr. d’Alzon’s passionate love of Christ, the Church and the Blessed Virgin Mary continue to motivate his sons and daughters to work for the transformation of society and the living out of their motto, “Thy Kingdom Come.”

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 12:13
Does God Hear Us? - Reflections on Christian Prayer Today PDF Print E-mail

Does God Hear Us? - Reflections on Christian Prayer TodayDoes God Hear Us? - Reflections on Christian Prayer Today
By Andre Seve, A.A.
Translated by Richard Arnandex, FSC
New City Press, New York, 1988
109 pages

Is there anyone who has sought to grow in the spiritual life who has not asked this question? In this book, Fr. Seve presents an overview of how we might pray, looking at Christ as our model, as he deals with the difficulties and struggles one faces in seeking a deeper relationship with God.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 12:07
Emmanuel d'Alzon PDF Print E-mail

Emmanuel d'AlzonEmmanuel d'Alzon
By Gaetan Bernoville
Translated by Claire Quintal and Alexis Babineau
A.A., Bayard, Inc., 2003

This biography of Fr. d’Alzon was written to commemorate the centennial of the founding of the Augustinians of the Assumption. In it, the author is clearly inspired by Fr. d’Alzon’s courage and heroism as a man of God, committed to Christ and the Church in post-revolutionary France of the nineteenth century and the anti-clerical government of the Third Republic.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 11:59
Emmanuel d'Alzon to Educators at Assumption PDF Print E-mail

Emmanuel d'Alzon to Educators at AssumptionEmmanuel d'Alzon to Educators at Assumption, re-published essays, talks and letters, Assumption College, Twenty-Third Publications, 2009

In this collection of essays, talks and letters, the reader is welcomed to delve into Fr. d'Alzon's 19th century broad dream, clear vision and world of experience as they pertain to the transformation of society through his prime apostolate of education.

Always driven by his quest for truth, rooted in Christ, the gospels and the Church, these selections exemplify Fr. d'Alzon's rich legacy of championing free or independent education for all, with a special sensitivity toward the poor.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 12:00
I am the Bread of Life - Healing through the Eucharist PDF Print E-mail

I am the Bread of Life - Healing through the EucharistI am the Bread of Life - Healing through the Eucharist
By Joseph A. Pelletier, A.A.
An Assumption Publication, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1977

The fruits of this book flow from the many years of the author’s prayer and experience in the healing ministry of the charismatic movement. What clearly began to emerge was the power, connection and relationship of the Eucharist as a major channel for healing occurrences. The reader soon comes to a meaningful understanding of healing prayer through faith, scripture, the powerful intercession of Mary and the Eucharist.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 11:42
Herald of Love - Biography of Father Marie Clement Staub, A.A. PDF Print E-mail

Herald of Love - Biography of Father Marie Clement Staub, A.A.Herald of Love - Biography of Father Marie Clement Staub, A.A.
By Claire Quintal
Sisters of Saint Joan of Arc, Quebec, Canada, 1984

In this biography of Fr. Marie Clement Staub, A.A., we have the chronicled growth of a man of courage, prayer, grace and perseverance who eventually founded the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joan of Arc. Through Fr. Staub’s preaching, his devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and his parish missions and retreats, this man of God was a channel of grace for all who came to know him and of him.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 11:31
The Inner Life: Foundations of Christian Mysticism PDF Print E-mail

The Inner Life: Foundations of Christian MysticismThe Inner Life: Foundations of Christian Mysticism
By George H. Tavard
Paulist Press, 1976
104 pages

The purpose and intention of this book is to be and introduction to the mystical dimension of Catholic life and the elements involved in what constitutes the spiritual life, as experienced by mystics. As the reader will see, it was written for the benefit not only of students, but for anyone who wants to deepen their prayer life and grow in their daily encounters with the Lord.

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Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 16:40
Mary, Our Mother, Our Model and Our Queen PDF Print E-mail

Mary, Our Mother, Our Model and Our QueenMary, Our Mother, Our Model and Our Queen
Scriptural Meditations by Emmanuel d’Alzon
Translated by M. Angeline Bouchard
New City Press, New York, 1988
136 pages

As the title indicates, this is a reflective work of thirty scriptural meditations by Fr. d’Alzon. In it the author, guided by the solid foundational teachings of the Church, shares many insights into the ever increasing understanding of Mary’s role in the early Church. Through reflecting on her many virtues, we can clearly see Mary as the model for all Christians past, present and future.

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Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 16:28
My Life with Jesus PDF Print E-mail

My Life with JesusMy Life with Jesus
By Andre Seve, A.A.
Translated by M. Angeline Bouchard
New City Press, New York, 1987
207 pages

In this book, Fr. Seve companions the reader toward a personal, present day relationship with the Jesus of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. It calls one to a life with a Christ who lives today. It is not sufficient to know about Jesus in search of His message. We need to live in the company of He who is alive today, if our faith is to grow deeper and deeper.

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Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 16:16
Praying 15 Days with Emmanuel d’Alzon PDF Print E-mail

Praying 15 Days with Emmanuel d’AlzonPraying 15 Days with Emmanuel d’Alzon
By Fr. Jean-Paul Perier-Muzet, A.A.
Translated by Ghislain Dion and John Franck, A.A.
Assumption Publications, Rome, Italy, 2009

In this recently translated text by Fr. Jean-Paul Perier-Muzet, A. A., we have an inspiring, prayerful work which presents the spirit, faith, thoughts and actions of Fr. D’Alzon. Structured within a suggested 15 day prayer framework, the daily chapters take the reader on a spiritual journey, generously peppered with quotes from d’Alzon’s letters. This format engages and challenges the reader to move from reflection to action, always rooted in loving Christ, Mary and the Church, resulting in the evangelization and the transformation of society. This book also powerfully illustrates Fr. D’Alzon’s life commitment to the integration of one’s life of prayer, community and apostolic action.

Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 16:26
The Religious Life According to Saint Augustine PDF Print E-mail

The Religious Life According to Saint AugustineThe Religious Life According to Saint Augustine
By Athanase Sage, A.A.
Translated by Paul Thabault, OSA
New City Press, New York, 1990
240 pages

In this book, Fr. Sage, and Augustinian scholar, brings to life his research on the spirituality of St. Augustine. Divided into two parts, the first is a presentation of his many conferences on the Rule of St. Augustine with a commentary from his writings. In the second part of his book, Fr. Sage maps out six conferences on a variety of themes pertaining to a religious vocation: religious life, consecrated life, fraternal life, contemplation, the Eucharist and Mary, the purpose of which is to nourish the reader to grow in his or her religious commitment.

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Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 16:29
The Sun Danced at Fatima PDF Print E-mail

The Sun Danced at FatimaThe Sun Danced at Fatima
By Joseph A. Pelletier, A.A.
Image Books, 1983

It is clear that the author of this text, inspired by great love, has brought to bear extensive research and profound scholarship as he presents to the reader the known facts of the wonders of Fatima. In addition, Fr. Pelletier, a renowned Mariologist, presents to us, in a most readable form, the message of Fatima, that is, that prayer and the response to God’s outpouring of divine grace are the pathways to achieving personal salvation.

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Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 15:31
Thirty Minutes for God PDF Print E-mail

Thirty Minutes for GodThirty Minutes for God
By Seve, Andre
New City Press; New City Press, New York edition, 1986
125 pages

In this book we find a rich resource to support and strengthen one’s basic hunger for God and how different forms of mental prayer and meditation can nourish that growth. As this hunger and desire for intimacy with God develops and hopefully governs one’s life, prayer becomes an integral part of all the activities of daily living, according to the author.

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Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 15:18
Windows on Assumptionist History Short Biographies of Assumptionist Religious PDF Print E-mail

Windows on Assumptionist History Short Biographies of Assumptionist ReligiousWindows on Assumptionist History Short Biographies of Assumptionist Religious
Rev. Robert J. Fortin, A. A., translator and editor
Bayard Publications, 2002

In this wide and varied collection of short biographies of Assumptionist religious from 1850-2000, we are presented with a panoramic view of men who, with great grace, endurance, perseverance and sacrifice, nourished the growth of the congregation and courageously gave witness to the Church. What immediately becomes clear is the congregation's gift of presence and service to the Church on an extensive international level. Reading the brief but inspiring accounts of the lives of these men, one can easily appreciate the cost of faithful discipleship, either by living out the simple and ordinary daily challenges of religious life or, in some cases, accepting the ultimate sacrifice of martyrdom.

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Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 14:55

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