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Home WHAT’S NEW Books Windows on Assumptionist History Short Biographies of Assumptionist Religious

Windows on Assumptionist History Short Biographies of Assumptionist Religious PDF Print E-mail

Windows on Assumptionist History Short Biographies of Assumptionist ReligiousWindows on Assumptionist History Short Biographies of Assumptionist Religious
Rev. Robert J. Fortin, A. A., translator and editor
Bayard Publications, 2002

In this wide and varied collection of short biographies of Assumptionist religious from 1850-2000, we are presented with a panoramic view of men who, with great grace, endurance, perseverance and sacrifice, nourished the growth of the congregation and courageously gave witness to the Church. What immediately becomes clear is the congregation's gift of presence and service to the Church on an extensive international level. Reading the brief but inspiring accounts of the lives of these men, one can easily appreciate the cost of faithful discipleship, either by living out the simple and ordinary daily challenges of religious life or, in some cases, accepting the ultimate sacrifice of martyrdom.

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