Augustinians of the Assumption

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The strength of Christian charity is to be able to love those whom we judge to be impossible to live with and who, in turn, consider us impossible to live with as well.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHO WE ARE History Cassadaga Seminary


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Cassadaga SeminaryFounded by the Assumptionists in 1960, Our Lady of Lourdes Seminary was a boarding school for young men considering Religious life or priesthood. During its brief seven-year history it was home to roughly 25 Assumptionists religious and almost 300 students.

Located in Cassadaga New York (Chautauqua County) the campus of a dozen buildings overlooked scenic Cassadaga Lakes. Besides the classical, college preparatory program of studies, perhaps the most appreciated and memorable aspect of the school was its family spirit which fostered many life-long friendships.

The goal of this website is to help reconnect faculty and former students who may have lost touch over the years and to encourage these same individuals to share a bit of their history with us.

Stephen Goguen, A.A.

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North American Province of the Assumptionists

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330 Market Street

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Photos 1960-67


Brother Steven Goguen, A.A. Dies PDF Print E-mail

Brother Stephen P. Goguen, A.A.Brother Stephen P. Goguen, A.A., 70, died Saturday, April 19, in the Assumptionist Center, Brighton, after a long illness.

He leaves his Assumptionist brothers and nieces and nephews.

He was born in Gardner, son of the late Albert and Angeline (Roy) Goguen. He graduated from Assumption Preparatory School in Worcester and earned advanced degrees in English and Psychology from the SUNY in Buffalo, NY

He was professed as an Augustinian of the Assumption on February 28, 1960. He served in community assignments as a teacher, administrator and formator at Our Lady of Lourdes Minor Seminary in Cassadaga, NY, at Incarnation Parish in Tampa, FL, at Assumption College in Worcester, at Saint Anne’s Church and Shrine in Sturbridge and at the Assumptionist Center in Brighton. He was a trustee of Assumption College since 1982.

Bro. Stephen PDF Print E-mail

Bro. Stephen's death is a great loss to the Assumptionist family. He truly lived up to his name as "Brother" not only to us Cassadagans but to employees and colleagues alike. Many of us will remember him as a young, handsome brother who taught us Anatomy as sophomores, acted as infirmarian ("Take two aspirins" was the antidote for every ailment), and oversaw the Cassadaga checking accounts.

In later years, it must be said that he only mellowed the more, reaching out to former students and acting a spiritual director for many young AA religious.

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