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The Church needs prayer as much as apostolic zeal.
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The 40 year phenomenon PDF Print E-mail

There are few words available to describe the phenomenon that was the reunion in Sturbridge. It was, without a doubt, the best 60th birthday gift my wife could have given me. I was surprised how, despite the years, most have us have really not changed all that much. To me, that means that we WERE formed in that brief Cassadaga period of our lives. We were (ARE) a "sub- community" of the Assumptionists who molded us. Thanks so much to Brother Stephen and the many who assisted in pulling this off. And thanks to the over 20% of us who attended (I think that is amazing for ANY reunion). Hopefully we all will remain safe and well until the next reunion. It was so hard to say goodbye--but let's realize it was only "au revior".

- Bob Luczak

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