Augustinians of the Assumption

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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Welcome to The Assumptionists' Website PDF Print E-mail


Dear friends,

I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the Assumptionists in the United States, confident that it will serve to complement our Congregational website ( It is my hope that it will provide you with helpful information regarding the people, places and events in the life and ministry of the Assumptionists in the United States in our work for God's Kingdom. I extend a particular welcome to those who are visiting us for the first time. We upload new content each week on the home page, so we invite you to return often or to sign up for our e-newsletter to receive periodic updates in your inbox.

Yours in the Assumption,

Dennis M. Gallagher, A.A.
Provincial of the North American Province

Last Updated on Thursday, 24 December 2020 09:42
Praying with the Assumptionists PDF Print E-mail

The bronze statue of Assumptionist founder Emmanuel d’Alzon with a studentBeginning January 2010, Catholic Digest - which is sponsored by and is a ministry of the Assumptionists -  has launched a series of articles highlighting the spirituality and charism of various religious congregations.  The articles are meant to invite readers to better understand religious life and to find ways to prayerfully connect with particular communities.

The February 2011 edition highlights the Assumptionists and was authored by Fr. Richard Lamoureux, A.A., Superior General of the Assumptionists:

"When I was teaching at Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts, I decided it would be good to tell my students what the Assumptionists were all about. To organize the gathering, I enlisted the help of a senior with whom I had worked on a number of projects, but after a week or two of serious effort, he came to tell me that he was having a hard time stirring up interest. We did the best we could (even luring participants with the offer of pizza) and succeeded in bringing together 20 or so young men and women. I launched into my presentation with a good deal of enthusiasm, but I sensed I wasn’t connecting. Finally, one student courageously spoke up."

Download the pdf file to read more.

Last Updated on Friday, 14 January 2011 22:30
History PDF Print E-mail

Emmanuel d'Alzon In 1995, the Augustinians of the Assumption, sponsors of Assumption College, celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of their first community in the United States. Here, in brief, is the story of our presence in America.

The story began in France in the year 1850, when Venerable Emmanuel d'Alzon founded the Assumptionists to work for the coming of the reign of Jesus Christ in human hearts, in society and in the world, and to give a doctrinal, ecumenical and social dimension to all their works. D'Alzon's broad vision would take Assumptionists to many countries throughout the world both in his lifetime and after. In 1889, Fr. François Picard, the successor of Emmanuel d'Alzon, wrote the following from France: "in our country of revolution, a house in South America is not to be disdained, and a foundation in the United States would be desirable."

Last Updated on Thursday, 14 October 2010 19:05
Tornado of 1953 by Father Alexis Babineau, A.A., 2003 PDF Print E-mail

50th Anniversary of the Worcester Tornado and Destruction of Assumption College/Preparatory School, June 9, 2003

On the second afternoon of the annual retreat, I had slept and missed chapel. When I awoke, I decided to shave, another thing I had overlooked that day. Outside,I could see the towering white cloud announcing a violent thunderstorm which was already rumbling in the distance. When I had finished, I sat in a rocker and read Vespers.

Last Updated on Thursday, 19 August 2010 05:05
Moscow Mission PDF Print E-mail


Assumptionists' Church in Moscow

On September 14, 1903, Fr. Baurain arrived in St. Petersburg where he established the first Assumptionist residence in Russia. This was the fulfillment of one of Fr. d'Alzon's most ambitious dreams. Two years later, Fr. Maniglier founded St. Peter's Church in Odessa and the dream became a reality. After the Bolshevik Revolution, most foreigners were expelled and very little remained of the Assumptionist presence except for the Church of St. Louis in Moscow. It is to this Church that Fr. Leopold Braun was attached as the first American Assumptionist to serve the diplomatic corps under the Roosevelt-Litvinov agreement. American Assumptionists served in Moscow for the next 75 years.


Dear Friends,

From November 20-22, the Assumptionists sponsored a colloquium in Rome to commemorate the centenary of the Assumptionist presence in Russia. During the colloquium, Prof. Gary Hamburg of the History Department of Notre Dame University made a presentation on the experience of Fr. Leopold Braun, the first AA to serve as chaplain to the international community in Moscow, from 1934-45. It is a compelling and heroic story. Please read a complete copy of his lecture.

Fr. John Franck, aa

Last Updated on Thursday, 04 April 2013 13:56
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