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Here is the secret of holiness: be men of prayer.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Reflections over Morning Coffee

Pat HaggertyReflections over Morning Coffee
Spiritual site in a noisy world…

By Pat Haggerty


Patricia Morin Haggerty, Lay Assumptionist
In any given year, Lay Assumptionists would share numerous holiday activities. There would have been parties attended, activities run and carols sung. Not this year! Instead, we deliberated over how we would meet (virtually), how we would worship (livestream or in person), and how we would share holiday greetings (email or snail mail).

As everyone will attest, we had to be creative with how we would stay connected. Not only at this time of year, but since the beginning of the pandemic, connecting has been a priority. I think we have learned through it all that we are gift to one another. We have learned that, even from a distance, we can support one another. We have learned that the Assumption charism is to be treasured---and shared. We have learned that we are one!

My prayer for the New Year is that we all joyously move forward building the Kingdom and sharing in the legacy of Emmanuel d’Alzon.

Patricia Morin Haggerty, Lay Assumptionist

Last Updated on Thursday, 31 December 2020 13:09

Patricia Morin Haggerty, Lay Assumptionist
The concept of perseverance takes on new meaning as we live through this challenging time of pandemic. We each experience our ups and downs and we each find ways to cope with our emotions. Most of us are finding alternative joys in different and small ways. For example, I can’t go to the theater, but I can enjoy watching Hamilton on Disney Plus. I can’t go to the movies, but I can lose myself in a good book. I can’t have a face-to-face meeting with the Lay Assumptionists, but I can connect with them through a Zoom meeting. I can find peace walking the trails of Sturbridge or participating in an outdoor Mass at St. Anne’s-St. Patrick’s in Fiskdale.

I would venture to say, that we are looking at life differently and treasuring the small things more and more. This calls to mind one of my favorite quotes: “Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back, and realize they were the big things.”

Patricia Morin Haggerty, Lay Assumptionist

Last Updated on Friday, 31 July 2020 15:52

Patricia Morin Haggerty, Lay AssumptionistWhere should I begin to talk about my life as a Lay Assumptionist? How can I put some clarity into something that is so rich?  It is like trying to describe the best dessert you have ever eaten!  You can almost still taste it and yet you want to describe it clearly so that others can experience it vicariously---and want to try it, as well.

I have had the good fortune of being connected to the Assumption family for many years. However, I have only been a Lay Assumptionist for the last eight. My involvement has affected me as a Catholic woman, as a member of my parish and as a sister in Assumption. I have shared communally with my fellow Lay Assumptionists and Assumptionist religious alike.

One might say that as Lay Assumptionists we are co-partners with our religious counterparts on our journey to form the Kingdom of God. We continue living out the desire of Fr. d’Alzon that the laity should work side by side with their brothers---sharing in the d’Alzonian charism, growing the family of God and nurturing the belief that we are all travelers on this journey.

Last Updated on Saturday, 08 February 2020 18:34

.By Pat Haggerty

When I was little, many years ago, we could only start thinking of Christmas after Thanksgiving.  That was the harbinger of all things Christmas---the music, the shopping, the decorating and everything else that went with it.  When the priest lit that first Advent candle on the wreath, then we knew we were on the journey.  Not so today!  We start planning for Christmas in October with stores bringing out their trees and wreaths; Hallmark has begun airing its holiday programs; and Christmas flyers start appearing in our mailboxes like magic.

Let’s take a step back, and I don’t necessarily mean in time.  I mean let’s take a breath and pause. Let’s try to stabilize ourselves in the midst of this holiday hype and find a new strategy, so that we can find new meaning in this Advent season leading up to Christmas.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 December 2019 16:25
Finding your Lenten Rhythm PDF Print E-mail


By Pat Haggerty

Getting into the groove of Lent is not unlike learning a new piece of music---either for singing or playing. One must figure out its meaning, discover its tempo and try to figure out how to make it work for us.  We already know the meaning of Lent; it is traveling that journey that will lead us to the glorious Resurrection. The tempo is our slow and steady pace of prayer, fasting and almsgiving as Matthew has directed us in his gospel (6: 1-6, 16-18).  As for making it our own, well, that is totally personal.

There is a plethora of suggestions about recommendations for Lent.  We can find them in Catholic publications, on-line and even in our church bulletins.  Sometimes, all those ideas can be overwhelming.  What to do?  Do I follow the list of 40 things to do each day of the Lenten season?  Do I purchase a book of meditations for Lent?  Do I read a blog post by Sister Barbara who is the media specialist for her order? Yikes! I am already confused.

Last Updated on Friday, 15 March 2019 16:55
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