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Cassadaga '65 PDF Print E-mail

Cassadagans On Sunday, November 6, twelve of the 19 graduating members of the OLL/Cassadaga Class of 1965 gathered at the Assumptionist residence on Old English Road in Worcester. ( >>>SEE PICTURES) Prizes for distance traveled were awarded to Paul Belanger (Golden, Colorado) and Tom Giroux (West Palm Beach, Florida), with honorary mention to Bernie Petit (Parsippany New Jersey). After a brief chance to introduce ourselves to one another (and try to recognize each other after forty years), we spent time in a more formal way catching up with each other's lives since graduation. Without exception, we all spoke of the incredibly formative experience that Cassadaga has been in our lives. Several phrases kept popping up in the conversation: strong community, a solid academic experience, a love of the liturgy and a work ethic. It was an afternoon and early evening that left all of us grateful for the time we had spent in Cassadaga and anxious to maintain the ties we had re-established.

We were also extremely happy to have with us three of the staff members of Cassadaga: Fr. Robert Fortin, who had returned just ten days prior from Jerusalem where he has spent the last 15 years, Bro. Steve Goguen, who is currently the provincial treasurer of the Assumptionists stationed in Brighton, MA, and Bro. John-Thomas McHugh living at the Old English Road residence in retirement.

All agreed that having a cookout next summer, with spouses present, would be a fitting follow-up to our first reunion after too many years of not seeing each other.

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