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Home WHO WE ARE History Cassadaga Seminary Stories Cassadaga Reunion -- September 2005


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Cassadaga Reunion -- September 2005 PDF Print E-mail

CassadagansFour months ago I wrote of a luncheon reunion of former Cassadagans, that was held at Rom’s restaurant in Sturbridge MA. Last Sunday, September 18, an even greater number came to Brighton for a picnic style reunion. SEE PICTURES

In spite of predicted hurricane aftermath, we decided to press our luck and held our cookout in the Brighton community’s back yard. The weather couldn’t have been nicer and so for five or six hours, 20 plus guys and several wives joined the Brighton Assumptionists for a thoroughly enjoyable get-together.

We shared memories, old photos, Bill Rennekamp’s classic video, a few year books, and we especially shared each others company.

The attached photos can simply give you a hint of the spirit and atmosphere that dominated the day. (We will eventually identify the photos, in the meantime, can you put a name to each face?)

Everyone seemed to agree that we have to reach out to others and keep these reunions going and encourage more guys to get on board.

Stephen, A. A.

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