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Printing the Cassadagan and other reminiscences PDF Print E-mail

I, along with a dedicated corps of young high-school guys, (OLLO seminarians) would get together every so often (it seems like it was constant!), and put together an issue of the Cassadagan. My first and main job was to print the thing, on a mimeograph machine which was probably state of the art in those days. Now that I've seen a copy on this website, I'll have to go to Assumption College and see if more are there.

After a while, I contributed the "nebish" to the Cassadagan - a character who would hold signs and say things like "don't miss this". I was proud of having stolen the original character from my brother, and added arms to him, so he could hold things...

I think it was Fr. Leonard who was our staff "overseer" - who made it all happen. What fun it was! And then seeing the issues devoured by eager eyes at lunch, where they sat on everybody's plates. "Am I famous this month?" "What's the news?"

Just one of the things I remember... In case I never write another story here, let me say I also remember with fondness: ice skating that I could never do, volleyball that I could, basketball, bowling!!! golf, maple sugar, skiing, breaking my leg while skiing, convalescing on crutches with 2 other broken leg guys, great friends, great teachers, going to get ice cream, rowing on the lake, walking through Lilydale, sports day (shotput, discus, long-jump, marathon, one mile run) JFK being assassinated, man on the moon (I cut grass for a few summers at OLLO), the guys from Maine (Ft. Kent, Saco, Biddeford? Sherman, Rich Paieur), Woonsocket, the dorms, leaving after my 3rd yr.

Richard Gallant

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