Augustinians of the Assumption

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The Church needs prayer as much as apostolic zeal.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHO WE ARE History Cassadaga Seminary Stories Br. Stephen Goguen, A.A.


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Br. Stephen Goguen, A.A. PDF Print E-mail

Over the past year Bro. Steve's health has been diminishing quite noticeably as his emphysema gradually destroys his lung capacity. After a brief stay in a nursing home in Brighton, he requested to return home to our community in Brighton at 330 Market Street. He is in good spirits, but is limited in his movements. He has been receiving visitors and loves to receive mail (330 Market St., Brighton, MA 012135). As much as possible, he tries to stay involved in various meetings and events. You can also reach him at 1-617-783-0400

J.L. Franck

© 2005-2025 Augustinians of the Assumption | 330 Market Street, Brighton, MA 02135 | Tel. 617-783-0400 | Fax 617-783-8030 | E-mail: