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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Books Praying 15 Days with Emmanuel d’Alzon

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Praying 15 Days with Emmanuel d’AlzonPraying 15 Days with Emmanuel d’Alzon
By Fr. Jean-Paul Perier-Muzet, A.A.
Translated by Ghislain Dion and John Franck, A.A.
Assumption Publications, Rome, Italy, 2009

In this recently translated text by Fr. Jean-Paul Perier-Muzet, A. A., we have an inspiring, prayerful work which presents the spirit, faith, thoughts and actions of Fr. D’Alzon. Structured within a suggested 15 day prayer framework, the daily chapters take the reader on a spiritual journey, generously peppered with quotes from d’Alzon’s letters. This format engages and challenges the reader to move from reflection to action, always rooted in loving Christ, Mary and the Church, resulting in the evangelization and the transformation of society. This book also powerfully illustrates Fr. D’Alzon’s life commitment to the integration of one’s life of prayer, community and apostolic action.

This publication is a jewel for the entire family of Assumption, especially during this Bicentennial Year of d’Alzon’s Birth.

To receive a copy of PRAYING 15 DAYS WITH EMMANUEL D’ALZON please send a donation (suggested donation $10) to The Assumptionists, 330 Market Street, Brighton, MA 02135 or donate using PayPal here


Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 16:26
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