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Home WHAT’S NEW Books The Religious Life According to Saint Augustine

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The Religious Life According to Saint AugustineThe Religious Life According to Saint Augustine
By Athanase Sage, A.A.
Translated by Paul Thabault, OSA
New City Press, New York, 1990
240 pages

In this book, Fr. Sage, and Augustinian scholar, brings to life his research on the spirituality of St. Augustine. Divided into two parts, the first is a presentation of his many conferences on the Rule of St. Augustine with a commentary from his writings. In the second part of his book, Fr. Sage maps out six conferences on a variety of themes pertaining to a religious vocation: religious life, consecrated life, fraternal life, contemplation, the Eucharist and Mary, the purpose of which is to nourish the reader to grow in his or her religious commitment.

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Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2010 16:29
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