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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Books Emmanuel d'Alzon to Educators at Assumption

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Emmanuel d'Alzon to Educators at AssumptionEmmanuel d'Alzon to Educators at Assumption, re-published essays, talks and letters, Assumption College, Twenty-Third Publications, 2009

In this collection of essays, talks and letters, the reader is welcomed to delve into Fr. d'Alzon's 19th century broad dream, clear vision and world of experience as they pertain to the transformation of society through his prime apostolate of education.

Always driven by his quest for truth, rooted in Christ, the gospels and the Church, these selections exemplify Fr. d'Alzon's rich legacy of championing free or independent education for all, with a special sensitivity toward the poor.

Whether addressing his brother Assumptionists at General Chapters on the spiritual, intellectual and social aspects of education, or collaborating and empowering the laity in the mission of christian education and social reform, or writing very personal, poignant letters of encouragement to friends, Fr. d'Alzon's life work is presented most clearly, that is, 'to hasten the coming of the reign of Jesus.' What better way to celebrate the bicentennial of his birth, than to prayerfully reflect on his inspiration and profound contributions to the Church and society as priest, educator, founder and friend through this selection of writings.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 12:00
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