Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Cassadaga Redux PDF Print E-mail

Dear Stephen,
A heartfelt thank you for the idea that brought Cassadaga back to all of us if only in our collective memories. The Reunion was a wonderful event that I enjoyed thoroughly. So many stories, so many great people. It was wonderful to see everyone again. It was especially important for me that so many former faculty and staff were able to be there. Special thanks to you and to Father Peter who worked quietly throughout the day.

If nothing else brought us back to that time, then certainly at the end of the day in that late afternoon sunlight, the echoes of the "Salve Regina" were instantly transportive.

Best to you and to all who made this possible.

- Ron Michaud

The 40 year phenomenon PDF Print E-mail

There are few words available to describe the phenomenon that was the reunion in Sturbridge. It was, without a doubt, the best 60th birthday gift my wife could have given me. I was surprised how, despite the years, most have us have really not changed all that much. To me, that means that we WERE formed in that brief Cassadaga period of our lives. We were (ARE) a "sub- community" of the Assumptionists who molded us. Thanks so much to Brother Stephen and the many who assisted in pulling this off. And thanks to the over 20% of us who attended (I think that is amazing for ANY reunion). Hopefully we all will remain safe and well until the next reunion. It was so hard to say goodbye--but let's realize it was only "au revior".

- Bob Luczak

A great day, a truly great group... PDF Print E-mail

Merci beaucoups, gratias, Deo Gratias Allelulia! Thank you to everyone who worked to make the day possible. Thank you to all who attended. Thank you to all who could not be there but sent their prayers and spirit. 42 years ago as a not quite 18 year old when I left Our Lady of Lourdes I had no idea what I was taking with me. God worked many wonders on those hilly, wooded, snowy acres above the Cassadaga Lakes.
I wonder if the state is ready to sell them again, we could make a very spiritual retirement, assisted living community out of the site.

- Guillaume

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 January 2012 14:10
Brandy, the canine Cassadagan PDF Print E-mail

When I arrived on the hill, as first local NY sem, there was the cutest new guy greeting all visitors & freshman. Remember Fr. Roger's prize pet, Brandy. This St. Bernard spoke with enthusiasm & drool! It was during these last two years on the hill that Brandy would greet anyone who passed by the back door of the kitchen. To feed the dog, one had to think about putting on the army handouts that we used for work details. During one of the visitor weekends, my folks came for a visit and brought my aging grandfather. As they rolled to a stop, Brandy's huge face filled my grandpa's car window and (fortunately it was closed!) and washed it for him. Grandpa's image of seminary living was definitely tilted from than on.

More Maple Syrup Stories PDF Print E-mail

Reading many of the short stories on-line brings back so many of my memories, the blackberry wine from an area parishioner when we went to serve Mass (I think with Fr. Robert), the bus trips back to Pittsburgh breaking down outside of Warren PA but one of my memories about the sugaring operations was the year I bought a quart (for $8.00 a saml fortune then) to take home to my brothers. I remember the excitement of taking them something special. I remember Mom making pancakes. I remember the great disappointment when my brothers tasted it and said they liked corn syrup better! I am not sure I ever forgave them.

- Guillaume

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