Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Long Train Ride PDF Print E-mail

How many of the New England Cassadagans remember the first trip back to home at Christmas time in 1960. We traveled without chaperones from Dunkirk, NY to Spingfield, MA in a terrible snow storm. We had extended layovers in Buffalo and Albany and seemed to stop at every small town on the way. We arrived in Springfield 4 hours late(around noontime after leaving Dunkirk at 10:00 PM). I remember all the smoking, staying up all night and traveling with many college students going home for the holidays. I always wondered if that is the reason we chartered busses all the other times we returned home and always had a few chaperones with us.


Reunion PDF Print E-mail

What a wonderful afternoon last Friday with all of you. It's been a busy time this last few months and somewhat intense, but I have had lots of smiles on my face this past week as I think back on last Friday. The thoughts and feelings have pleasantly tempered some of the intensity. Absolutely let's do it again. We sure did a lot of stuff. Aside to Matt: I thought we looked pretty good having braved the cold and barren northeast all these years while you dwell in paradise. Then again - it's your word against our photos. Post up.
Best to all of you. Will see you again.


A Visit to Cassadaga, Some 10 Years Later PDF Print E-mail

I arrived at Our Lady of Lourdes as a Freshman in the Fall of 1964, and remained until the Spring of 1967, after which time we were sent off to Worcester to continue our education. However, strong ties to that 160 acres always remained for me.
For 3 or 4 summers after we closed as a school, I would return to work during the vacation break as an electrician for the John XXIII Center.

Great Reunion PDF Print E-mail

Yesterday, May 20th, ten “Cassadagans” met for lunch at Rom’s in Sturbridge MA: Al Gaulin, David Yacavace, Dick Poletunow, Frank Aubuchon, J P Mandler, Jigs LaFleche, Michael Bunyar, Paul Feron, Milty Malboeuf, and Stephen Goguen.

David Yacavace, Stephen Goguen, Milty Malboeuf

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 January 2012 13:28
Interested in getting together? PDF Print E-mail

Several of us -- Brother Stephen, Milty, Dick Poletunow, and myself -- will be getting together for lunch on Friday, May 20th in Sturbridge, MA at a location as yet to be determined.

If anyone is interested to join us, please let me know and I'll get you the information on time and place.

- Michael

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 January 2012 13:27
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