:: Quote of the Day :: |
If you hope to progress in prayer, you must learn to wait … all your life must be a continuous waiting, like that of Anna and Simeon. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
First, I want to thank Br. Stephen for setting up this great web site. It's a nice opportunity to catch up with some old friends. I came across the site almost by accident yesterday and found it very interesting. It was also great to read up on those of you whom I know and see what you are up to these days.
Oh yes, the sap business: It's funny the things you remember. I never pass by one of the sugar shacks around here without thinking of my year in Cassadaga and cleaning bathrooms! Seeing the pictures of collecting sap brought to mind one of my experiences at OLOL. I was only at Cassadaga for one year, my first year of college. Basically, I had one job for the whole year on each Wednesday and Saturday - cleaning the bathrooms. I finally complained. My complaint was heard and I was sent to collect sap with the high school freshman and sophmores. That was it! I spent the rest of the year cleaning the bathrooms. I did have another assignment too. For most of the second half of the year I was the bell ringer. Bummer job! The one advantage it gave me, however, was that I had to get up earlier than everyone else which put me in the lead for getting to the shower room before Milty. He only won the race a few times after I became bell ringer. I'd hear him outside the door questioning how I could get there so fast. He never saw me sprint from the bell on the first floor to the shower room on the second. - Bob St. Onge