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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters 2011 General Chapter

2011 General Chapter

The 32nd General Chapter of the Augustinians of the Assumption has begun in Rome, Italy. From May· 2nd- 23rd, 2011 participants, lay and religious, have gathered from all over the world to reflect and dialogue on their life as Assumptionists (lay and religious), their ministries in light of available resources and the needs of the Church and their organizational structure and governance which will assure the congregation’s future vitality.

The official representatives of the North American Province at this chapter include: Fr. Marcel Poirier, A.A., provincial, Fr. Bernard Holzer, A.A., delegate and provincial delegate for the Philippines, Fr. John Franck, A.A., delegate and vocation director, and Mr. Claude Lamontagne, lay delegate.

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 17, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 13, 2011Men of communion

When, as the Chapter has been doing for the past two weeks, we examine the realities of the Church and the world - but first those of the Assumption - we are struck by the discovery that one of the recurring evils is lack of communion. Men and countries tear each other apart. Believers are in conflict. Christians remain divided... Even our Congregation is having trouble agreeing on models of organization!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 12:38
DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 16, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 16, 2011Disciples in the same faith

The title of this page already indicates an accent proper to the Chapter of 2011 with respect to that of 2005: the first of three “fundamental orientations” which is being up-dated was first called “Men of Faith, announcing (or: proposing) the faith”. This time, we are leaning towards “disciples in the same faith”. Without a doubt the celebration of the Bicentennial of the birth of Fr. d’Alzon has something to do with it: in the footsteps of our founder, we should always (re)discover ourselves as disciples of Christ. And disciples together, in the faith which we share in common.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 14:26
DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 13, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 13, 2011A question of methodology
Michel Kubler

How does a General Chapter produce the texts that it will promulgate? The answer is rather complex. A good example is found in the way the three “Fundamental Orientations” of the Chapter of 2005 (“Men of communion announcing the Faith in solidarity with the poor”) are being updated. (Read opposite the state of the dossier)

Last Updated on Friday, 13 May 2011 15:08
DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 12, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 12, 2011A change of government for the Assumption!

The General Chapter adopted the guidelines for the new “community organization” of the Congregation.

There was considerable relief, last night, among the members of the Chapter. First, of course, because they had successfully elected the tenth Superior General of the Congregation, in the best of conditions! But also because another “big item” on the Chapter’s agenda had finally been resolved definitively, at least in part. You’ve already guessed what it is: our new community organization.

Last Updated on Friday, 13 May 2011 15:05
DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 11, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 11, 2011Prima verba
Fr. Benoît Grière
(Moments after his election)

“I accept my election.

Last Saturday when we chose a biblical model as a symbol of the Superior General, I chose St. Paul: an Apostle, a man of conviction and enthusiasm... but I am not Saint Paul. I am more like Moses with an iron will but aware of his limitations.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 11:26
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