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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters 2011 General Chapter DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 10, 2011

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 10, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 10, 2011Elements for the election
Michel Kubler

The report is in: the election of the future Superior General of the Congregation is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, May 11. No confusion for the French delegates: the 30th anniversary of the election of President Mitterrand is today...But seriously. It is time to s elect a person who will be at the service of the mission.

To prepare for this important moment, the Chapter took several steps. These do not include informal conversations at table or in walks in the garden of the Casa La Salle. The scheduling began to occupy the assembly on Saturday. The exercise was to define the profile of the new Superior General from a list of “biblical leaders”. Each Chapter member selected one and posted it on a board divided in two sections: Communion-Mission and Manager-Charismatic. Not an easy equation.

Yesterday, the discussion got more precise when each member was asked to write the names of two priorities for the new general government and the qualities he expects for the new Superior General and of the team who will implement them. (See page 3.) Along with those answers, Fr. Richard Lamoureux took the names of two religious who could become the Superior General and four for the assistants. Result: a confidential list of 13 names for the Superior General and 40 for the assistants. Enough to help those with little imagination.

Whatever the votes will give tomorrow, one thing has already been said: the chosen one will not have all the qualities hoped for. He will have to count on the team that the Chapter will give him in the days to come and on the entire congregation with the grace of God. On the profile that was made Saturday, a single name was apparent in the center with the perfect balance between the two poles (Mission-Communion and Charism-Organization):
the name of JESUS.

Download: ·DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Tuesday, May 10, 2011, No. 8

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 11:27
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