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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters 2011 General Chapter DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 11, 2011

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 11, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 11, 2011Prima verba
Fr. Benoît Grière
(Moments after his election)

“I accept my election.

Last Saturday when we chose a biblical model as a symbol of the Superior General, I chose St. Paul: an Apostle, a man of conviction and enthusiasm... but I am not Saint Paul. I am more like Moses with an iron will but aware of his limitations.

I have had some health problems these last months. I am aware of these limitations which are not only physical but also human and spiritual as well. The Lord sometimes lets us travel difficult roads but he always guides us toward the Promised Land: For us in the Assumption, the Promised Land is called the Kingdom.

Disciples of Emmanuel d’Alzon, this is the road we must take. We do so with this sentence from St. Augustine in mind: “It is better to have a lame person on the road than a runner in the ditch.” I have also fallen. But brothers helped me to get up.

Today, our Congregation is made up of all these brothers: sometimes falling but still limping along. I accept to continue on this road toward the Kingdom. With you!

Let us give thanks for all those who accept to take on responsibilities because they help us to be faithful to the Gospel.”

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 11:26
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