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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters 2011 General Chapter

2011 General Chapter

The 32nd General Chapter of the Augustinians of the Assumption has begun in Rome, Italy. From May· 2nd- 23rd, 2011 participants, lay and religious, have gathered from all over the world to reflect and dialogue on their life as Assumptionists (lay and religious), their ministries in light of available resources and the needs of the Church and their organizational structure and governance which will assure the congregation’s future vitality.

The official representatives of the North American Province at this chapter include: Fr. Marcel Poirier, A.A., provincial, Fr. Bernard Holzer, A.A., delegate and provincial delegate for the Philippines, Fr. John Franck, A.A., delegate and vocation director, and Mr. Claude Lamontagne, lay delegate.

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 10, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 10, 2011Elements for the election
Michel Kubler

The report is in: the election of the future Superior General of the Congregation is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, May 11. No confusion for the French delegates: the 30th anniversary of the election of President Mitterrand is today...But seriously. It is time to s elect a person who will be at the service of the mission.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 11:27
DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 9, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 9, 2011A logic of communion

It is one of the dossiers « awaited » at this 32nd General Chapter – with the election of a new General Council on which its profile will depend: that is, the “new community organization” of the Congregation. This expression designated an entire redefinition of various geographical units that make up Assumption worldwide, in new Provinces or other types of units. But it’s not simply a territorial regrouping!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 10:07
DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 7, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 7, 2011"Pilot on Board”
Fr. André Antoni
Promotor of the Chapter

The first experience of the Chapter’s Promotor cannot be very far from what a pilot experiences when for the first time he finds himself in the cockpit trying to figure out how to make the plane take off. But very quickly, he’s joined by co-pilots and stewards, who fortunately speak all of the languages. As for the runway, fortunately it was well laid out by the professional work of the Preparatory Committee.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 09:55
2011 General Chapter Photo Gallery PDF Print E-mail

Arrival and first day of the General Chapter.

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 6, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 6, 2011Cal 2017
Fr. Claude Marechal, aa
Former Superior General

Yes, who does not remember the first words from John Paul II after his election, words often repeated in the Scriptures: “Do not be afraid.” But the words that followed are equally important: “Open, open wide the doors to Christ, to his saving power. Open the national frontiers, the political and economic systems, the immense domain of culture, of civilization and development.” What a wonderful program for a General Chapter whose task is to set the tone for the next six years for the entire Congregation and determine the means to tend toward it if it cannot be perfectly realized. “Men of communion, proposing the Faith, in solidarity with the poor.”

Last Updated on Friday, 06 May 2011 17:52
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