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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters 2011 General Chapter
2011 General Chapter
The 32nd General Chapter of the Augustinians of the Assumption has begun in Rome, Italy. From May· 2nd- 23rd, 2011 participants, lay and religious, have gathered from all over the world to reflect and dialogue on their life as Assumptionists (lay and religious), their ministries in light of available resources and the needs of the Church and their organizational structure and governance which will assure the congregation’s future vitality.
The official representatives of the North American Province at this chapter include: Fr. Marcel Poirier, A.A., provincial, Fr. Bernard Holzer, A.A., delegate and provincial delegate for the Philippines, Fr. John Franck, A.A., delegate and vocation director, and Mr. Claude Lamontagne, lay delegate.
For a Catholic religious Congregation in General Chapter, there is one rule above all: such a gathering is the ultimate authority for determining its program and organizing its work. Consequently, it is impossible to foresee the Chapter’s agenda, which will in fact be set as the work progresses.
It is nonetheless possible to identify some of the important points that the 32nd General Chapter will have to address, given the current state of the Congregation. For example: It will evaluate the decisions taken in 2005 at the last General Chapter, especially the three "fundamental orientations", the three "apostolic priorities" and the "Lay-Religious Alliance." It will decide on a new intercontinental organization for the Congregation, in the light of different human resources and in view of a greater integration of the work of General government with that of those responsible at the regional level.
It will elect a new Superior General, since Fr. Richard Lamoureux, an American, 68 years old, is no longer eligible after having served two six-year terms. The Chapter will also elect a new international government team according to the new structural reorganization that will have been adopted.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 May 2011 19:22 |
To renew the mission By Fr. Richard Lamoureux
Let me say what I think is most necessary if we are to renew the mission at the Assumption.
First, we have to see our work as mission and not just as work that keeps us busy. To see our work as mission, we have to do it with the conviction that God has asked us to do this work and that our work is a great cause, that it is trying to respond to the ways in which “man is threatened as the image of God”. Those two things (a sense of mission and a conviction of the worthiness of our cause) will help keep at bay the kind of “ennui” that I’ve witnessed at times, as well as the human problems that “ennui” provokes.
Last Updated on Thursday, 05 May 2011 22:06 |
Encounter of the third kind By Michel Kubler
This is the week of great world events. After the wedding of Prince William and the beautiful Kate on Friday at Westminster Abbey and the beatification of Pope John Paul II on Sunday at St. Peter s, comes the opening session of the General Chapter of the Assumptionists on Monday in the immense Casa of the Christian Brothers. When I brought this eloquent trilogy to the attention of one of the brothers, he immediately remarked that these three events were happening in order of progressive importance. Who would dare refute it?
Last Updated on Thursday, 05 May 2011 22:18 |
All Catholic Congregations convene general assemblies, on a more or less regular basis, to evaluate their life and mission and to make decisions for the future and elect leaders to implement them. This is a General Chapter.
The Assumptionists gather every six years. The one being held in May of 2011 will be the 32nd General Chapter of the Congregation since its foundation more than 160 years ago.
The General Chapter is thus the highest authority in the Congregation for making decisions that promote the unity and the mission of the Assumption.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 May 2011 18:50 |
From Monday, May 2nd until Monday May 23rd, 2011, the Assumptionist Congregation will engage in an exceptional moment of reflection and decision-making: a General Chapter, during which close to fifty representatives of the Assumptionists, present on every Continent, will review and update their mission of service to the Church and to humankind.
A gathering of this kind is held only once every six years. Among the most important responsibilities of this 32nd chapter in the history of the Order is the election of a new Superior General and decisions regarding the major orientations of the Congregation for the six years to come. It will also modify its governmental structures in the light of demographic changes.
A novelty in this chapter: the gathering this year, once again in Rome, will involve some twelve lay participants during the first week of its work. Since their last Chapter, in 2005, the Assumptionists have encouraged the development of an "Alliance" with men and women who want to share in their spirituality and mission, while remaining lay people.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 May 2011 19:24 |
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