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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters 2011 General Chapter

2011 General Chapter

The 32nd General Chapter of the Augustinians of the Assumption has begun in Rome, Italy. From May· 2nd- 23rd, 2011 participants, lay and religious, have gathered from all over the world to reflect and dialogue on their life as Assumptionists (lay and religious), their ministries in light of available resources and the needs of the Church and their organizational structure and governance which will assure the congregation’s future vitality.

The official representatives of the North American Province at this chapter include: Fr. Marcel Poirier, A.A., provincial, Fr. Bernard Holzer, A.A., delegate and provincial delegate for the Philippines, Fr. John Franck, A.A., delegate and vocation director, and Mr. Claude Lamontagne, lay delegate.

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 5, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 5, 2011The Lay People are coming
Sr. Cristina Ocaña, r.a. (Spain)

Our common charism (A.A. and R.A.) has much to offer to the Church of today. It is poweerful because our Founders knew how to present the values that our world needs today and which are fundamental to religious life, such as the warmth of community in the face of iovidualism, a simple life style in solidarity, obedience and fidelity to a person or a project. When lay people become aware of this they realizethat something more is needed in their life of faith and this generates in many of them the desire to share in the construction of a Church that is better adapted to the realities of this world.

Last Updated on Friday, 06 May 2011 14:46
2011 General Chapter Diary PDF Print E-mail

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Monday, May 23, 2011, No. 17

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Friday, May 20, 2011, No. 16

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Thursday, May 19, 2011, No. 15

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Wednesday, May 18, 2011, No. 14

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Tuesday, May 17, 2011, No. 13

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Monday, May 16, 2011, No. 12

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Friday, May 13, 2011, No. 11

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Thursday, May 12, 2011, No. 10

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Wednesday, May 11, 2011, No. 9

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Tuesday, May 10, 2011, No. 8

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Monday, May 9, 2011, No. 7

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Saturday, May 7, 2011, No. 6

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Friday, May 6, 2011, No. 5

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Thursday, May 5, 2011, No. 4

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Wednesday, May 4, 2011, No. 3

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Tuesday, May 3, 2011, No. 2

 DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Monday, May 2, 2011, No. 1

Last Updated on Monday, 23 May 2011 09:51
2011 General Chapter - Members PDF Print E-mail

Members of the 32nd General Chapter
(* First-time participants in a General Chapter)

Ex-officio Members:

Fr. Richard Edward LAMOUREUX, Superior General
Fr. Julio NAVARRO ROMÁN, Vicar General and Postulator;
Fr. André BROMBART, Assistant General;
Fr. Emmanuel KAHINDO KIHUGHO, Assistant General;
Fr. Jean- Daniel GULLUNG, Treasurer General;
Fr. Lucas CHUFFART, Secretary General;
Fr. Bernard LE LÉANNEC, Procurator.

Provincial Superiors and Assistants:

Fr. Niceto CALLE (Provincial, Spain);
Fr. Arnold CASTRO (Provincial, Northern Europe);
Fr. Jan ZUIKER (Assistant Provincial, Northern Europe);
Fr. Juan Carlos CISTERNA* (Provincial, Chile-Argentina-Colombia);
Fr. Luiz Carlos DE OLIVEIRA* (Provincial, Brazil);
Fr. Benoît GRIERE (Provincial, France);
Fr. Sylvain GASSER and Bro. Didier REMIOT* (Assistants, France);
Fr. Vincent KAMBERE KAGHANIRYO* (Provincial, Africa);
Fr. Roger KASEREKA SYAYIPUMA (Assistant Provincial, Africa);
Fr. Michel JARY (Vice-Provincial, Madagascar);
Fr. Marcel POIRIER (Provincial, North America).

Former Superior General: Fr. Claude MARÉCHAL

Elected Delegates:

Africa: Fr. Jean-René BAYENGO*, Fr. Protais KABILA KALONDO*, Fr. Jean Chrysostome KANYORORO KISALI, Fr. Ephrem KASEREKA KAPITULA*, Fr. Pierre LANDU SAFARI*, Fr. Simon NJUGUNA WAWERU*.
Brazil: Fr. Marcos Antonio DIAS*
Chile-Argentina: Fr. Daniel GARCÍA*, Fr. Marcelo MARCIEL.
France: Fr. André ANTONI, Fr. Frans DESMET, Fr. Lucian DÎNCA*, Fr. Dominique GREINER*, Fr. Jean-François PETIT*, Fr. Emmanuel ROSPIDE. North America: Fr. John FRANCK, Fr. Bernard HOLZER.
Northern Europe: Fr. Laurent BODART, Fr. Mart LEMMENS, Fr. Guy LEROY.
Madagascar: Fr. Lucien ROBIA*, Fr. Raymond TONGAMANA*.
Spain: Fr. Juan Antonio SANCHEZ*.

Consultant: Fr. Pierre TRAN VAN Khue, Vietnam *.

Lay Participants:
International Commission: Jane Mwari MPUTHA, Jimena GARCÍA, Marie-Pierre GIRARD
Brazil: Regina Célia DA SILVA SOARES
Chile-Argentina: Maria Cristina
France: Vincent Fauvel (France);
North America: Claude LAMONTAGNE
Northern Europe: Sjaak BEIRNAERT and Jef de LOMBAERDE
Madagascar: Francois ZAFIMAKASON SMALAH

Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 May 2011 19:21
DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 4, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 4, 2011Benedict XVIth writes to the Chapter

“As you recall the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of the Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon, His Holiness encourages you to draw fresh inspiration from your founder’s vision, so timely in our day, of the great importance for evangelization of social communications, education and ecumenism.

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 May 2011 22:08
2011 General Chapter - Opening Remarks PDF Print E-mail


The work of the General Chapter

We have already drafted and published a report on the state of the Congregation, as well as the report of General government for the members of the Chapter. You could wonder, does the Superior General still have something to say? I would like to profit from this important moment, the beginning of the 32nd General Chapter of the Congregation, to communicate to you one last time some concrete and specific suggestions for our life and our mission, which I think should be considered seriously by the Chapter. These suggestions touch upon ten different areas, but I will try to be concise.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 May 2011 19:22
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