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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters 2011 General Chapter DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 13, 2011

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DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 13, 2011A question of methodology
Michel Kubler

How does a General Chapter produce the texts that it will promulgate? The answer is rather complex. A good example is found in the way the three “Fundamental Orientations” of the Chapter of 2005 (“Men of communion announcing the Faith in solidarity with the poor”) are being updated. (Read opposite the state of the dossier)

Everything starts with the “Tool Box” provided by the Preparatory Commission for the General Chapter. It contained, in particular, the contributions from the Provincial Chapters, a grid to help to be used by the members of the Chapter in their reflection in linguistic roups on each of the orientations. This reflection was then summarized by a small committee for discussion in plenary session. A few members were asked to “lend their ears” to catch the more important themes or problems. As a result, a working document was produced on each of these orientations.

Then three large groups were formed, to review these findings and compose future capitular documents on Faith, Communion and Solidarity. These groups met three times for two hours each to produce their text. These texts were divided into two sections: Convictions” and “Means” (on three levels: personal, community, apostolic). They were brought to the full session for a lively discussion and numerous amendments. Once all these have been included, the texts will be adopted!

Is this method too burdensome? All this coming and going has a purpose: make sure that a capitular text takes into consideration the situations of the Congregation and the various points of view of the members. But most of all that they express faithfully the consensus of the ensemble of the  Chapter. And we call that Communion!

Download:  DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - Friday, May 13, 2011, No. 11

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Last Updated on Friday, 13 May 2011 15:08
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