:: Quote of the Day :: |
A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation. - Emmanuel d'Alzon

Last Updated on Saturday, 13 November 2021 15:37 |
Last week we celebrated a special occasion for the Assumption Family; the patriarch of our province, Fr. Roland Guilmain, turned 95!
Originally from Nashua, NH, Fr. Roland made his first profession as an Assumptionist in 1948 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1953 in Quebec.
Fr. Roland has had many roles over the years, ranging from professor, retreat director, provincial superior, pastor, treasurer, the list goes on. His docility and availability have made him a great gift to our province over the years.
Last Updated on Saturday, 13 November 2021 15:38 |
Our Father Painting by Jen Norton
... by the help of your mercy, we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress.
These words form part of what is formally called the embolism, the short prayer said by the priest after the recitation of the Lord’s prayer at Mass. The intent of the prayer, which dates from the early Church, is to provide a gloss or commentary on the last petition of the Our Father, “Deliver us from evil.” In the most recent English translation, a more literal rendering of the Latin text from which it is taken, the words “may we be … safe from all distress” replaces the freer translation dating from the time just after the Second Vatican Council, “protect us from all anxiety.” In both instances, the Latin word is perturbatione which we might use in English in its verb form, “to be perturbed”, but rarely as a noun.
Last Updated on Saturday, 13 November 2021 15:41 |

After a two year hiatus due to Covid-19, Campus Ministry is thrilled to announce that Assumption's popular SEND service/immersion trips are returning in Spring Break 2022. For years, Assumption students have traveled to various parts of the United States and to international sites to serve among the poor and needy, to develop relationships with those living in poverty, and to reflect on how this experience invites them to deepen their faith and consider how their lives can positively impact the poor among our sisters and brothers throughout the world. Many Assumption graduates regard their SEND trip as one of the most profound and transformative experiences of their time at Assumption.
On this trip, you can also take various medications in case of unforeseen circumstances, but you should not take generic Viagra on such a trip.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 November 2021 20:42 |

Last Updated on Saturday, 13 November 2021 15:39 |

Dear Members of the Assumption Community,
Beginning with All Saints Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls Day (Nov. 2), the month of November has traditionally been a time to remember our deceased loved ones in prayer. A remembrance shrine will be set up during the month of November in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Assumption. Visitors to the Chapel will be invited to write the names of deceased family members and friends in a remembrance book, and other members of the Assumption community are invited to send in names to be placed at the remembrance shrine by going to https://www.assumption.edu/student-experience/spiritual-life/prayers-deceased. We will remember all of these deceased family members and friends whenever the Assumption community gathers for prayer in the Chapel during the month of November.
Mass will be celebrated at 5:00 PM in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit on Monday, November 1 for the Solemnity of All Saints. Because November 1 falls on a Monday this year, All Saints is not a holyday of obligation this year, but all members of the Assumption community are welcome to participate in Mass at 5:00 PM, as well as Morning Prayer at 8:00 AM and Evening Prayer at 5:35 PM
May God welcome our loved ones into eternal life and surround us with comfort and hope as we grieve and remember them.
Deacon Paul Covino Director of Campus Ministry
Last Updated on Friday, 29 October 2021 15:52 |

Last Updated on Saturday, 13 November 2021 15:40 |

On this day nine years ago, three Assumptionists were kidnapped from Notre-Dame des Pauvres parish Mbau, 22 km from Beni, Democratic Republic of the Congo. We share with you this letter from our Superior General on the five year anniversary of their kidnapping:
“Dear brothers, sisters, and friends,
It has already been five years since our brothers, Jean-Pierre, Edmond and Anselme, were kidnapped by armed soldiers…I am writing this letter with the sole purpose of keeping our hope alive. Christians cannot resign themselves to a state where they allow silence and death to prevail. Our God is a God of life.
Last Updated on Monday, 25 October 2021 10:50 |

As an elderly religious community, our joy is simply to pray and to be with others in all their stories. We praise God each morning and celebrate the Eucharist where we carry you in your loved ones in our prayer. Life is a gift from God who is so generous to share it with us. Follow Him, we share our life in common and celebrate every moment of it.
Last Updated on Monday, 25 October 2021 10:25 |
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