Augustinians of the Assumption

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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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New Provincial Structure PDF Print E-mail

In January 2003 the Council of the Province meeting in Worcester, Massachusetts, approved the new statutes for the United States region and encouraged the religious in Mexico to consider the possibility of requesting a similar status so as to create three fairly parallel governing structures in the province. With the consent of his council Fr. John Franck appointed Fr. Dennis GALLAGHER the regional superior for the United States and Fr. Miguel DIAZ AYLLON the provincial delegate for Mexico. Fr. Dennis is currently Vice President for Mission at Assumption College, a position he will maintain with the added assistance of an administrative assistant, Br. Paul HENRY. Frs. Dennis and Miguel will begin their new duties on April 1.

The "regionalization" of the province responds to the new reality of the province, i.e. three separate realities with three different languages, churches, cultures, histories, etc. The nomination of a regional superior in the United States was seen as a means to free the provincial to spend more time caring for new efforts in Mexico and Quebec, overseeing planning for the new foundation in the Philippines, maintaining involvement in the development and expansion of Bayard North America, and developing ways to increase collaboration between the three distinct regions of the province, which has drastically declined due to ageing and a decrease in personnel. The provincial will also maintain the direction of the Board of Trustees at Assumption College.

Last Updated on Friday, 14 October 2005 00:31
Glastonbury I - Collaboration with the laity PDF Print E-mail

In order to better respond to the new needs of the Church and the world in North America, the religious of the United States organised a time to reflect and share with lay people close to them. This reflection followed several stages.

On 10th July 2002, thirty-two people, religious and lay people went together to the abbey of Glastonbury. There they exchanged their ideas on various fields of activity. The workshop that had greatest success was entitled "Why are the Assumptionists important to me" The sharing was very rich that the participants decided to send their testimonies by mail to the different communities. This was done in September.

The exchange continues …...

Last Updated on Friday, 14 October 2005 00:29
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