Augustinians of the Assumption

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In prayer we speak with God and God speaks with us.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Archbishop Mbogha Kambale dies at 63 PDF Print E-mail
Archbishop Mbogha Kambale Charles, A.A. (1942-2005)

The oldest of the Augustinians of the Assumption, Archbishop Mbogha Kambale Charles, A.A.,  (63 years old) died in Bukavu (eastern Democratic Republic of Congo) on Sunday, October 9, 2005, at 2:37 AM (local time). The illness that led to his death (high blood pressure which resulted in a stroke) came to light during the ceremony on the day he was to become archbishop of Bukavu in June 2001. From that day he had been taking medication and following a regime of rehabilitation exercises, all the while completing his mission as well he could as the pastor and overseer of the Ecclesiastical Province of Kivu. During those four long years, Archbishop Charles proved to be a man of great faith.

Last Updated on Saturday, 08 July 2006 13:49
Cassadaga Reunion 2005 PDF Print E-mail

On Sunday, September 18, 2005 a first official Cassada Reunion was held at our community house in Brighton.

Cassadagans - 2005

In spite of predicted hurricane aftermath, we decided to press our luck and held our cookout in the Brighton community’s back yard. The weather couldn’t have been nicer and so for five or six hours, 20 plus guys and several wives joined the Brighton Assumptionists for a thoroughly enjoyable get-together. We shared memories, old photos, Bill Rennekamp’s classic video, a few year books, and we especially shared each others company.


Last Updated on Saturday, 08 July 2006 13:48
Archbishop of Nairobi in Brighton PDF Print E-mail
His Grace Monseignor Raphael, Archbishop of Nairobi, Fathers Marcel Poirier and George Tavard

On Tuesday, September 6, 2005, the newly appointed provincial of the North American Province, Most Reverend Marcel Poirier with his brothers Assumptionists of Brigthon were happy to welcome His Grace Monseignor Raphael, Archbishop of Nairobi. His Grace was visiting the Kenyans in the USA to sollicitate their financial help for the many projects of the Church of Nairobi. He was also attending the summit of the world leaders that took place in New York to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the United Nations.

Last Updated on Saturday, 08 July 2006 13:48
Catholic Digest's Editor-in-Chief visits Assumptionists PDF Print E-mail


Dan Connors

Dan Connors, newly named Editor-in-Chief of Catholic Digest, was a guest for dinner and discussion at Emmanuel House on the campus of Assumption College, on June 29, 2005. Much helpful information was shared about Dan's life in Catholic publishing and about the particular challenges of securing a market niche for Catholic Digest. The convivial conversation was a good first step in the direction of promoting collaboration between Bayard North America, the Assumptionists, and Assumption College.



Last Updated on Saturday, 08 July 2006 13:46
New Provincial Superior PDF Print E-mail


Marcel Poirier, A.A.

The Assumptionist Province of North America has a new Provincial Superior

Very Reverend Richard Lamoureux, A. A., Superior General of the Assumptionists, has named Father Marcel Poirier, A. A. Provincial of North America, replacing Father John Franck, A. A. who held the post for the past nine years.

Father Marcel recently completed twelve years as Treasurer General residing in Rome during that period. A citizen of Canada, Father Marcel is the first non-American to serve as Provincial of North America which includes the Regions of Mexico, United States and Canada.

Last Updated on Saturday, 08 July 2006 13:47
Lourdes 2005 PDF Print E-mail

Alex, Dihn, Ricky and I had the privilege of participating last summer in the Annual National Pilgrimage to Lourdes organized by the French Province of the Congregation. The experience gave us an opportunity to participate in different activities such as the daily Eucharist, prayers in the grotto, processions, community service and socializing with some religious and diocesan seminarians who were also there.

Brother Carlos, A.A.


Two experiences during my stay in Lourdes marked me personally. In Lourdes I felt proud of being an Assumption. The pilgrimage gave me an idea of how dedicated and committed are my Assumptionist brothers to the ministry for the sick. There was an active participation on the part of the greater Assumption Family. Every Assumption sister and brother was doing something for the realization of a common endeavor.

Secondly, the feeling of being at the site where Mary appeared to St. Bernadette 19 times in 1890 was remarkable. The pilgrim’s expression of faith was inspiring to behold coupled with the prayerful atmosphere of the place. As a religious, the experience was a source of inspiration and spiritual renewal. It would be good to derive strength from the experience when the going gets tough. Finally, the pilgrimage was a testimony of how “unity in diversity” is lived concretely in the Church. People who were there came from different cultural backgrounds, age groups, etc. but all unanimously joined together in praising God, the source of healing and consolation. I am most grateful to God for the grace of being at Lourdes and for having participated in the apostolate of my Assumptionist brothers and sisters last summer.

Bro. Carlos Melocoton, A.A.

Last Updated on Saturday, 08 July 2006 13:47
World Youth Day - 2005 PDF Print E-mail
Alex Castro, Carlos Melocoton, Ricky Montanez

Like the first World Youth Day I attended in the Philippines in 1995, the recently concluded World Youth Day held in Germany was an opportunity to experience the vitality and universality of the church at its best. The Church is indeed young and alive in those who participated in the XX WYD. It was an occasion to renew one’s commitment to the church and most especially an opportunity for the young people to deepen their faith in God through the activities of the event and their encounter with other young Catholics from around the world.

Last Updated on Sunday, 19 March 2006 15:01
Fourth of July 2005 Cookout PDF Print E-mail

Assumptionist Center, Brighton, MA,  July 4, 2005

Many from the US region gathered for the annual Fourth of July cookout hosted by the Brighton community. The weather could not have been better, and the celebration was enhanced by the presence of some of our brothers from the "diaspora:" Fr. Teddy Fortier from our community in Athens, Greece; and Frs. Luc Martel and Oliver Blanchette from our mission in East Africa. We were joined also by our Sisters from Worcester, the Religious of the Assumption. As part of the occasion, Fr. Dennis Gallagher, Regional Superior, offered some words of thanks on behalf of the community to Fr. John Franck, for his nine years of generous service to his brothers as Provincial Superior.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 April 2006 13:08
Dalzon 2005 PDF Print E-mail

For the first time in the Assumptionist history lay people participated in the General Chapter. Please read more at:

Last Updated on Saturday, 08 July 2006 13:46
Brother Rick Montanez Renews His Vows PDF Print E-mail


Bro. Ricky Martinez
After a year which took him from Chile to Colombia to the Philippines to Worcester and to Brighton, Brother Rick Montanez, A.A., renewed his vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in a simple ceremony at Assumptionist Center in Brighton on Tuesday, January 4, 2005.


Last Updated on Thursday, 06 April 2006 02:31
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