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Home WHAT’S NEW Archbishop of Nairobi in Brighton

Archbishop of Nairobi in Brighton PDF Print E-mail
His Grace Monseignor Raphael, Archbishop of Nairobi, Fathers Marcel Poirier and George Tavard

On Tuesday, September 6, 2005, the newly appointed provincial of the North American Province, Most Reverend Marcel Poirier with his brothers Assumptionists of Brigthon were happy to welcome His Grace Monseignor Raphael, Archbishop of Nairobi. His Grace was visiting the Kenyans in the USA to sollicitate their financial help for the many projects of the Church of Nairobi. He was also attending the summit of the world leaders that took place in New York to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the United Nations.

After the evening prayer and the dinner offered in his honor, the illustrious guest gave a talk about the Church of Nairobi where the Assumptionists have two communities, one of formation to priesthood on Riara Road Off Ngong Road, and one at the Njiro Parish, Near Kayole, under his pastoral care.  Several times during his talk, His Grace Raphael lamented over the irresponsibility of the political leaders of Africa who are mismanaging the res publica and creating more poverty in their respective countries.  According to his Grace Raphael, the Church is the only organization still standing on its feet and trying to meet the needs of those who are most in need, thanks to the charity and the solidarity of the sister churches in Europe and America. Asked how he appreciates the apostolate of the assumptionists who work in his Archidiocese since 1988, His Grace Raphael, answered that he admires the work of the assumptionsits in Nairobi, especially the rapid adaptation of young Congolese assumptionist missionaries from the Diocese of Butembo-Beni who very quickly speak the local languages and adopt the local culture.  To end his talk, His Grace Raphael, invited the new provincial of the North American Province to found new parishes in his Archidiocese because the harvest is still abundant and the laborers few.

Father Vincent Machozi, A.A.

Last Updated on Saturday, 08 July 2006 13:48
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