:: Quote of the Day :: |
A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation. - Emmanuel d'Alzon

Founders Week, an annual tradition at Assumption, is an opportunity to remember the University's founders, the Assumptionists who in 1904 welcomed the first class of students to the institution and their many collaborators who have contributed to the growth of Assumption over the past 117 years.
The theme chosen for our celebration is "It's All about Soul!" It was inspired by our new Mission Statement, approved by the Board in May and now being officially launched during Founders Week. The Statement says that, at Assumption, we "provide students with an education that shapes their souls…" This week is an opportunity for all of us to think again about Assumption's mission and to measure the challenges that it presents to us. We'll be able to do this in a variety of ways during the week. The Founders Week Committee hopes you will be able to participate in as many of the week's events as possible.
Check out the AU app for more information about the Week. An announcement will be sent out on each day of the week to remind you of upcoming events. Here is a summary schedule of the week's events: September 9th, Thursday, 11:30 am - Mass of the Holy Spirit, Plourde Center Presided by Assumption alumnus, Fr. Warren Savage
September 11th, Saturday, 1:00 pm – Assumption vs. Bentley "Donut forget your spirit!" (free donuts) & "Gear Swap"
September 12th, Sunday, 7:00 pm - Mass & 9/11 Remembrance, Chapel of the Holy Spirit September 13th, Monday, 7:00 pm - Agapé-Latte: Dr. Lisa D'Souza, presenter, Charlie's in Hagan Campus Center
September 16th, Thursday, 3:30 pm - Rededication of Living/Learning Center in honor of Assumption's first President, with French-themed refreshments
September 17th, Friday, 3:00 pm – "Welcome Back Convocation" for Faculty & Staff, Curtis Performance Hall, with refreshments in D'Amour Piazza During the week, beginning on Monday the 13th, in Hagan, a re-introduction to the Assumptionist Beni School Project in the Congo
Last Updated on Saturday, 11 September 2021 13:05 |

This month Fr. Donat Lamothe, A.A., celebrates 65 years since his first profession. Much of his life as an Assumptionist has been dedicated to teaching at Assumption University in the Department of Music. He also shares his talents through iconography and gardening. We thank God for your faithfulness, Fr. Donat!

Last Updated on Saturday, 11 September 2021 12:49 |
Fr. Miguel, assistant to our Superior General in Rome, paid a special visit to our new community in El Paso, TX this past month. He is a leader of our International Commission for Justice & Peace and Integrity of Creation, and was able to see firsthand how we are preparing to work for justice and peace along the U.S./Mexico border.
Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2021 14:48 |
Nicholas DiAntonio ’12 runs defensive drills during a Natick High School football practice.
Nicholas DiAntonio, a 2012 graduate of Assumption University, shares about the impact of his Assumption education and his experience now as a math teacher and coach at Natick High School.
In Fr. Barry Bercier A.A.'s theology class, he writes, “We talked a lot about the importance of raising young men to be positive contributors to society and how now, more than ever, we need strong young men because there are so many challenges in this world,” he said. “Fr. Barry’s emphasis on the importance of developing young individuals is something I really value and bring to my everyday teaching and coaching – not just teaching them the X’s and O’s of football, but the importance of treating everyone with compassion and developing positive relationships.”
Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2021 12:54 |
The sun shone brightly in Québec on August 14th, the day of Sadiki Kyavumba’s priestly ordination. This young Assumptionist was ordained by Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix, current Archbishop of Québec. Approximately 140 were in attendance in a covid-friendly atmosphere in the chapel of Montmartre. During the singing of the Litany of Saints by a fellow African brother, Sadiki lay prostrate during the emotional ritual. Later, during the Mass, a beautiful hymn was sung in Swahili. Father Dennis Gallagher, North American Provincial of the Assumptionists, vested Fr. Sadiki in his blue chasuble and stole. Cardinal Lacroix presented Fr. Sadiki to the congregation for his blessing. Following the ceremony, Fr. Sadiki greeted guests, including many Lay Assumptionists, as they gathered on the lawn of Montmartre.
Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2021 12:20 |

Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2021 12:16 |
By: Veronika Jaster
I’d like to sincerely thank the Assumptionist community for the opportunity to serve with the Congregation in Mexico and encounter God’s love during my time there. I spent eighteen days at the Assumptionist parish center in Tlilapan, Veracruz. Throughout the volunteer work and the cultural immersion, it was a joy to serve, learn, and share life with all the people I met.
Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2021 12:18 |
On Saturday, August 28th at 11am, our brothers - Matthew-Mary Okereke, Daniele Caglioni, Hugo Morales Ballesteros and Brian Verzella -- will renew their temporary vows as Assumptionists. We invite you to join us for the outdoor Mass at St. Anne and St. Patrick Parish (Fiskdale MA).
Campus Ministry is delighted to welcome our new director of liturgical music Michael Ochoa who began his ministry with us today. Michael received his undergraduate degree in music from the University of Colorado and is currently completing his Masters degree in Theological Studies at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Michael lives at the Assumptionist Center in Brighton, Massachusetts and will work at Assumption half-time (20 hours/week) this year. Welcome Michael!
Assumptionist Center resident, Raphael Yabut, visits Frs. Peter, Ron and Chano at St. Francis Xavier Parish in El Paso.
Last Updated on Thursday, 12 August 2021 16:40 |
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