:: Quote of the Day :: |
The strength of Christian charity is to be able to love those whom we judge to be impossible to live with and who, in turn, consider us impossible to live with as well. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
The article was first reported by The Catholic Free Press
By Tanya Connor
Parishes honored senior citizens in a variety of ways for the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly this week. And, it was a natural fit for one popular novena to incorporate the observance into its schedule.
Pope Francis announced this Church-wide celebration last January, and scheduled it to be held annually on the fourth Sunday of July, near the July 26 feast of SS. Joachim and Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 August 2021 10:46 |

The following is Fr. Dennis’ homily for the Feast of Sts. Anne & Joachim, given at the closing novena Mass at St. Anne Shrine in Fiskdale, MA, this past Monday. The Assumptionists have ministered at the shrine and parish since 1955.
I may not be the best person to talk about grandparents, since I knew none of my own grandparents. When I was born, both of my parents were over 40. What I heard growing up was that I was an afterthought (that was a nice way of saying that I was a mistake) and by that time my grandparents had all passed. I trust that they were interceding for me.
But this shouldn’t disqualify me entirely. This is a celebration of grandparents and the elderly. And if you wait long enough, you can speak from personal experience about the elderly, if not grandparents. I’m 73 years old. By anyone’s fair measure, despite my stupid denials, that makes me elderly. Get over it, Dennis.
Last Updated on Friday, 30 July 2021 18:54 |
The Assumptionists have teamed up with Prions en Église (the French version of Living with Christ) to create an e-pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. From August 12 to 16, it's Lourdes that comes to you!
Each day of the pilgrimage, discover the wonders of the shrine: the grotto, the spring, the candlelit procession; listen to the story of the apparitions, learn songs, and join the pilgrims on site, live, every day at 9:30am (EDT); 3:30pm (CEST) for the prayer of the rosary. Each day you will receive resources in your inbox to guide you in your virtual pilgrimage.
Attendance is completely free!
Get your free ticket by signing up here: https://www.prionseneglise.fr/e-pelerinage-lourdes?fbclid=IwAR22Cdc7MaI9A-DETBbD0BrH5xgUozDkbUF7aH5_KfeJHoKRr0lugPnUeaw
*pilgrimage materials are available in French only*

Homily P. Benoit Grière, Superior General of Assumptionists, July 10, 2021, Year B, JPIC Session, Paris
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Our session on the theme of migration, refugees, displaced persons and victims of trafficking comes to an end today after a week of rich and fruitful work. The Eucharist that brings us together allows us to grow in communion among ourselves and with the world. To become the body of Christ, this is the intention of every Eucharist. To bring together the diverse members to make one body in the risen Christ. The Eucharist excludes no one because it is the sacrament of unity.
Today, perhaps more than ever, our world is marked by the question of migration and by the distress of displaced people. I heard on the radio a few days ago that the United Nations Commissioner for Refugees announced that there were more than 80 million people affected by this phenomenon and that this number had doubled in 10 years. The causes are multiple and unfortunately all too well known: war, hunger, persecution because of religious affiliation or political options, upheavals related to climate change. More and more our Earth is suffering and the world's inhabitants are exposed to distress and violence. It is time to act.
Our Christian faith, deeply rooted in the Old Testament, urges us to defend those who have left their homeland without having any other concern than to support and welcome them. Already the book of Leviticus says forcefully: "When an immigrant resides with you in your country, you shall not exploit him. The immigrant who resides with you shall be among you as a native Israelite, and you shall love him as yourself, for you yourselves were immigrants in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God." (Lev 19:33-34). Our human condition impels us to solidarity with all. We cannot exclude a part of humanity in order to keep our peace and to enjoy our happiness selfishly. Christ is the one who gave himself for all without exception.
Saint Augustine reminds us that we are all pilgrims because our homeland is the Kingdom of God. We are in a way migrants in search of the true homeland and our life is this journey that leads us to God.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 July 2021 19:40 |
From May 10 to 15, 2021, the postulants and novices of the Augustinians of the Assumption in Sokodé, Togo, participated in a session on the theme: "the art of peacemaking", in order to increase their awareness of this fundamental value for all peoples.
Jean-Pierre Bodjoko, SJ* (with Fr. Moise Dadja) - Vatican City
The session was animated by Father Moïse Dadja, C.D., and took place in the multipurpose hall of the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption (Komah). The construction of peace, as Pope Francis has said, is an 'art' that concerns all men without exception and is ' a task without respite that requires the commitment of all' (cf. Encyclical Fratelli tutti, n°231 and 232). One cannot aspire to peace without working or committing oneself to its construction. It is in this dynamic that the participants in this session were taught about the need to seek and preserve this good. This was done through 5 presentations followed by clarifying questions. The first presentation dealt with the understanding of the word "peace", the second with peace in the Holy Scriptures, the third with peace according to the Magisterium, the fourth with the construction of peace and, finally, a presentation on justice and peace. In addition to the presentations, the participants had two workshops to further explore, in small groups, some topics related to the theme of the session. They watched a film, listened to the testimonies of Fathers Boniface Mutahi and Vincent Kambere, A.A., and went on a discovery trip to the Renaissance village of Yao-Kopé, located about 7 km from Sokodé. These few days of exchanges allowed the participants to realize that it is necessary to collaborate for peace.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 July 2021 19:41 |
Members of the Assumption Family - Last night we had a successful opening night of the St. Anne Novena. We would like to encourage you to join us for one or several evenings of the Novena as seen in the invitation below:

Last Updated on Monday, 19 July 2021 08:48 |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 July 2021 14:18 |
St. Anne Shrine has fully reopened! We are happy to welcome you back and we invite you once again to celebrate with us the 134th Annual Novena to Saint Anne beginning on Sunday, July 18th and concluding on Monday, July 26th, the Feast Day of Saints Anne and Joachim.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 July 2021 12:38 |
Venerable Marie-Clément Staub, the Assumptionist who founded the Sisters of Joan of Arc, was recently featured in Columbia Magazine.
Columbia Magazine, May 2021
Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 July 2021 19:43 |
What Do I Really Need?
We saw the anguish of his heart when he pleaded with us, yet we paid no heed. Genesis 42:21
Facing the truth about ourselves is, often enough, not pretty. It is a condition, however, for our participation in God’s saving work.
The journey of Joseph’s brothers to Egypt was to seek relief from the famine that had spread over their land. What could be more important than survival? But the real drama of the Joseph story hinges not so much on the success of that mission, but on the painful reckoning brought about by their disguised brother, whom they had abandoned and left for dead. To be reconciled to one another through the good graces of a brother scorned and rejected…sound familiar? I write these words at a time when we are still in the teeth of the pandemic. We keep praying for release from the “famine” that has so devastated our world.
Lord, release me, too, from my hard heart and my disordered affections.
- Fr. Dennis Gallagher, A.A.
Genesis 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a • Psalm 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19 Matthew 10:1-7
Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 July 2021 12:37 |
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