:: Quote of the Day :: |
A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
Fr. Chano shares about his experiences at the border
Welcome to our newest installment in a series of e-Newsletters devoted to our foundation in El Paso (previous installments available here). Read on for updates and ways to get involved in this important work of meeting the spiritual and material needs of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border.
A Drop of Water in the Desert
Hello, my name is Fr. Marciano Lopez Solis, A.A., better known as Father Chano. I have wanted to join the new foundation community since I first heard about our Province's plan to serve the most vulnerable among us, particularly those who decide to leave their homeland to seek a better life for their families. I participated in the Zoom conversations in which this project began to take shape. The process has been characterized by docility to the Holy Spirit; we do not know where He comes from or where He is going, or where He is going to take us.
After discerning and researching options, the Province decided to establish this project in El Paso, Texas, which is one of the most significant places in terms of the number of migrants who have long since decided to make their home here and also because of its proximity to the border wall.
We decided to accept a parish called St. Francis Xavier; here we are establishing a shrine for migrants and are working to make this closeness to the vulnerable a reality. Brothers Peter Precourt and Ronald Sibugan arrived first, although in different months. I arrived in El Paso on April 7, 2021.
My experience here is minimal since I have only been here for three months, but in this time I have noticed that those who live here are very enthusiastic. Their lives have been marked by the struggle to improve the living conditions of their families. Some of the people I am getting to know came here with their grandparents or their parents more than 50 years ago. They have made an effort to preserve their customs, traditions, style of food, etc.
The parish is small and has a particularity due to its proximity to the border. It is a meeting place for those coming from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and their family members who already live here in El Paso. Every day there are people in this area waiting for their relatives. Those going to Ciudad Juarez come here as well, leaving their cars in the parking lot of the parish.
Consequently, our presence here has led to close contact with migrants. Additionally, I have enjoyed the contact with those who already work directly with migrants in the area, such as the Religious of the Assumption, Annunciation House, and other groups.
We are accompanying a small, active group of parishioners called Los Campaneros del Santísimo Sacramento. They come from far and wide to offer their assistance at the parish - both with organizing the parking situation and selling burritos, sandwiches, and sodas on Sundays to collect funds for the parish. It is our mutual hope that we will work together, in the spirit of Fr. d’Alzon and his lay associates, on future projects to serve the most vulnerable.
Last week the community had a meeting with the founder of Annunciation House, Mr. Ruben Garcia [Article: The Washington Post on Mr. Garcia’s work at the border, 2019], which greatly motivated us for the work ahead. The challenges are many: the climate, the laws, the small size of our community, the needs of migrants ranging from the most basic (food, clothing and shelter), to great needs such as health, legal, spiritual and emotional support.
It is a difficult situation for people who already live here but have not yet achieved legal status, as well as for families that have been separated, with some family members having been deported while the rest continue living in the United States. This separation has led to the creation of Hugs Not Walls, a program which "allows Mexican immigrants with irregular status and unable to return to Mexico an opportunity to meet for a few minutes on the international border." This year 150 families were able to enjoy a brief moment together - the reunions were filled with hugs, tears, and sighs of relief.
There are very strong stories. We know we are just a drop of water in the middle of the desert, but from here we will continue to reach out at the border wall.
“Fathers are not born, but made. A man does not become a father simply by bringing a child into the world, but by taking up the responsibility to care for that child. Whenever a man accepts responsibility for the life of another, in some way he becomes a father to that person.” - Pope Francis, Patris Corde, Apostolic Letter on St. Joseph
We were blessed to celebrate our first Father’s Day as a community in El Paso in this year of St. Joseph - the perfect role model for both natural and spiritual fathers. The Religious of the Assumption Sisters, as well as some parishioners, came to celebrate with us. We were delighted to show our RA Sisters our home for the first time, and we look forward to planning some projects with them.
Immigration & the Assumption: A Wider Lens
Lhamo, a Tibetan refugee and interpreter on "Je Sers"
Our ministry in El Paso is one of many Assumptionist apostolates dedicated to the most vulnerable among us. Throughout the world, Assumptionists are working to protect the dignity of each human person, going wherever God is threatened in man and man is threatened as the image of God.
The Assumptionist community at Conflans-Sainte-Honorine in France is a prime example of this commitment to the poor and marginalized. This community oversees the ministry of the Je Sers (“I Serve”) boat - moored in Conflans Sainte Honorine, France - which shelters about fifty people in precarious situations (mainly Tibetan refugees) at any given time. The migrants are accompanied by the Assumptionists as well as the Little Sisters of the Assumption, employees, and volunteers who help them regain their dignity and integrate socially.
This video about the ministry at Je Sers was presented at this month’s virtual conference organized by the Assumption family entitled "A World in Motion: Migrants, Refugees, Displaced Victims of Human Trafficking - a challenge for the Assumption today."
We invite you to check out the following new articles regarding the Church's involvement in the situation of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border:
One way you can support our migrant ministry at the U.S.-Mexico border is by sharing these updates with your friends and family on Twitter & Facebook:
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