Augustinians of the Assumption

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Through faith, we receive truth, and, by means of truth, liberty.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW SEND Service/Immersion Trips are Returning in Spring Break!

SEND Service/Immersion Trips are Returning in Spring Break! PDF Print E-mail



After a two year hiatus due to Covid-19, Campus Ministry is thrilled to announce that Assumption's popular SEND service/immersion trips are returning in Spring Break 2022. For years, Assumption students have traveled to various parts of the United States and to international sites to serve among the poor and needy, to develop relationships with those living in poverty, and to reflect on how this experience invites them to deepen their faith and consider how their lives can positively impact the poor among our sisters and brothers throughout the world. Many Assumption graduates regard their SEND trip as one of the most profound and transformative experiences of their time at Assumption.

On this trip, you can also take various medications in case of unforeseen circumstances, but you should not take generic Viagra on such a trip.


Two trips will be offered this Spring Break (Saturday, February 26 through Saturday, March 5, 2022). One will be to El Paso, Texas and Chaparral, New Mexico where the group will get a firsthand look at how the Assumptionists, the Religious of the Assumption and other Catholics are serving those who are seeking asylum in the U.S. after fleeing violence and economic hardship in Latin America. The second will be to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Camden, New Jersey where the group will work with the Religious of the Assumption in their ministries in inner-city Philadelphia and with Romero Center Ministries in Camden deepening our call to authentic, Christ-centered discipleship, walking with those whose stories and histories are different from our own, reflecting on those encounters under the light of Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching and opening the path to conversion and transformation, through compassion, reconciliation, and justice.


Applications for the SEND trips are now available and are due by November 22. To get an application or more information about the trips, contact Nick Coccoma in Campus Ministry. Be part of a great Assumption tradition by participating in a SEND trip this year!


Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 November 2021 20:42
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