Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Emmanuel d'Alzon
FOR A GOOD CAUSE: What they are saying about Fr. d’Alzon? PDF Print E-mail

FR. OLIVER BLANCHETTE A.A.“Emmanuel d’Alzon could very easily have become a spoiled brat and, later, a playboy. He was a rich, handsome, impulsive nobleman…” These are the opening words in Fr. Richard Richards’, A.A. short biography of our founder written in 1974.

Shortly after Fr. d’Alzon’s funeral, November 21, 1880, Fr. Etienne Pernet, A.A., who later founded the Little Sisters of the Assumption, had this to say: “Our late and revered Fr. d’Alzon, a man so great and yet so humble and simple at the same time, came to full light at the time of this death. From all over, his sons have received messages of sorrow and testimonies of his noble character. The number of works this athlete of the faith began is incalculable. He was a priest, a soldier, an apostle. People frequent his tomb. They come on pilgrimage. He is revered by all.”

Last Updated on Sunday, 23 December 2012 10:43
EMMANUEL D'ALZON (30 August 1810 - 21 November 1880) PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Emmanuel d'Alzon's Childhood Home - The Chateau of Lavagnac- EMMANUEL D'ALZON was born at Le Vigan (Gard) into an aristocratic family.

- HIS SECONDARY AND UNIVERSITY EDUCATION TOOK PLACE IN PARIS from 1823 to 1828 at the Collèges Saint-Louis and Stanislas, and then at the School of Law of the Pantheon where he built relationships with leading Catholic intellectuals of the period: Lamennais, Montalembert, Ozanam... all of whom were concerned with reconciling the Church with the modern world in the wake of the French Revolution.

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 June 2012 11:28
For a Good Cause PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Emmanuel d’Alzon."If I differed from him and from the school of which he was the soul on certain issues which remained open to debate, no one admired more than I  his sincerity, his loyalty, humility, his passion for souls, his measureless and limitless charity, and his devouring need to sacrifice all for his neighbor, his country and for the faith."
(Signs of God, N.2, p.1)

What a powerful testimony to Fr. d'Alzon's holiness from Frederic de Fabreges, a former student of his! All the more remarkable since its author candidly states that on some debatable issues he differed from the one he nonetheless calls "an incomparable father and master."  And it's precisely on this matter of differing opinions that I would like to insist as we continue to discuss  the holiness of Fr. d'Alzon.

Last Updated on Monday, 04 June 2012 13:23
Signs of God N. 2 PDF Print E-mail

Signs of God N. 2

Word of the Postulator

Here is the second number of “Signs of God”; the principal subject is again the miracle. Let us continue to ask God for the gift of a miracle obtained through the intercession of Father d’Alzon. It is the confirmation which the Church requests in order to publicly recognize the holiness of our Founder. From January 9 to February 7, I followed a course (obligatory) for Postulators, on the theology and history of beatifications and canonizations. It is a course organized by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. I learned a lot of new things, among which, that it is the local Church or the religious family in which he lived, acted and witnessed to his faith, that does the true recognition of the holiness of the Servant of God. That is why we, Assumptionists (men and women religious and laity), are the first who should believe in the holiness of Father d’Alzon and, consequent to this certitude, have to make him known as a model of holiness for us today. Let us imitate his virtues, let us adopt him as spiritual father, let us ask his intercession!

Fr. Julio Navarro Román, A.A.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 11:30
For a Good Cause PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Emmanuel d'AlzonThe saints seem to be back in fashion!

Imagine,  student of mine in a "religion"  class of 1954, just sent  me, for my  96th birthday, a fine little book, "The Essential Wisdom of the Saints". But then I  ran across a remarkable and very different book by  Robert  Ellsberg: "All Saints". Finally, there is the very popular  "My life with the Saints" by James Martin, S.J., who has such a special gift for  talking to an American audience about  the spiritual life.

Last Updated on Saturday, 02 June 2012 21:46
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