Augustinians of the Assumption

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What is adoration? It is the recognition of the reign of God over all creatures, and over us.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Fr. Emmanuel d’Alzon."If I differed from him and from the school of which he was the soul on certain issues which remained open to debate, no one admired more than I  his sincerity, his loyalty, humility, his passion for souls, his measureless and limitless charity, and his devouring need to sacrifice all for his neighbor, his country and for the faith."
(Signs of God, N.2, p.1)

What a powerful testimony to Fr. d'Alzon's holiness from Frederic de Fabreges, a former student of his! All the more remarkable since its author candidly states that on some debatable issues he differed from the one he nonetheless calls "an incomparable father and master."  And it's precisely on this matter of differing opinions that I would like to insist as we continue to discuss  the holiness of Fr. d'Alzon.

It may not be exaggerated to say  that few founders of religious congregations have been as intensely  engaged in the political and church life of their day and age as Fr.d'Alzon. This may help us to understand  why all of our founder's opinions, whether concerning the political or church life of his time, were not shared with  all other Catholics, even those of considerable merit. Recently beatified Cardinal Newman, whom Fr. d'Alzon admired a great deal and who, at Newman's conversion to Catholicism wrote," The emotional storm  I experienced ended in tears brought about by the account of Mr.Newman's conversion", differed with our founder as to whether  or not it was the opportune time to proclaim the doctrine of papal infallibility.

That is why it is most important to say that  one is not holy or a saint because of her/his opinions, ideas or even judgments although  these are often of crucial importance. Holiness consists in virtues, many  of those mentioned by d'Alzon's former  student, and above all  in love, love of neighbor and of God. And apparently this  love characterized the founder  as it  was tested in  the crucible of  life as vouched for by Frederic de  Frabeges when he spoke  of his former  teacher, father and master's "devouring need to sacrifice all for neighbor, for country, for faith", that is for his God. Here, I remember St. Augustine's famous words: "'Love, and do as you wish!" .And may we not forget that we will finally be judged on the weight of our love. Because of Fr.d'Azon's strong,  and sometimes debatable and exaggerated opinions and judgments, (he loved to use  hyperbole!)   might we not be able to apply to him G.K. Chesterton's words:  "the saint is a medicine  because he is an antidote... He will generally be found restoring the world  to sanity by exaggerating  whatever the world neglects".  In Fr.d'Alzon's time that meant: defending the rights of God and fighting for the Kingdom of God.
The ultimate decision as to our founder's holiness, however,  will be made by  the Church. And before she can make that decision she awaits God's confirmation,. a miracle attributable to our founder's intercession. That is why we count so much on your prayers.asking through the intercession of our founder  for  help, healing -. for a miracle.

Fr. Oliver Blanchette A.A.
50 Old  English Rd.
Worcester, MA 01609

Last Updated on Monday, 04 June 2012 13:23
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