:: Quote of the Day :: |
Take up and read the Gospel, re-read it, meditate on it, and apply from the life of the Savior whatever you are able to imitate. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
Home WHAT’S NEW Bicentennial Moment: Fr. Emmanuel d'Alzon's Childhood Home - The Chateau of Lavagnac
In 1816, when Emmanuel d'Alzon was only 6 years old, his family moved from the town of Le Vigan to the chateau of Lavagnac which his mother had inherited. Located in southern France near the village of Montagnac, this beautiful aristocratic residence was the place where d'Alzon grew up and where he would often come back once he set out to do his studies in Paris, Montpellier, and Rome. Even once he became a priest in Nîmes, he would return here to draw healing rest.
Even from afar he liked to evoke this sometimes idealized cradle of his youth and his vocation. He wrote pages to describe and praise the charms of the place, in the country, far from the feverish agitation of the cities, where his thoughts, his heart, and his body all had their share. The nearby Hérault River was handy for swimming or, even when preferred, for a boat excursion.; the surrounding hills and vast plains were a special place for hunting and riding. Here d'Alzon received many guests both before and after ordination; all were welcome and enjoyed the warm hospitality of the d'Alzon family.
Eventually, the chateau became the home of his sister Marie-Françoise and her family in whose hands the estate remained till 1987, when it was sold to a Japanese enterprise that allowed it to fall into disrepair. Today it has been purchased by an English company which has begun its complete restoration with a view to opening a deluxe manor hotel where guests will once again be able to enjoy its splendor.
Last Updated on Thursday, 04 November 2010 20:19 |