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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Young Madagascan Assumptionist Ordained during Bicentennial Closure Ceremonies

Young Madagascan Assumptionist Ordained during Bicentennial Closure Ceremonies PDF Print E-mail

The bishop anoints the hands of Fr. RomualdThis past August 22 Bro. Donné Romuald Marcellin Randrianantenaina was ordained to the priesthood during the closing ceremonies of the bicentennial of Fr. d'Alzon's birth in the Vice-Province of Madagascar. The event took place in the Assumptionist parish of Our Lady of the Assumption in Tulear.

During a celebration the evening before,  after his parents gave him the traditional blessing, Bro. Romuald gave a moving testimony about his somewhat unusual path to the priesthood.

A joyous Fr. Romuald after his ordinationHe entered the Assumptionist as a candidate for the priesthood but, with time, his formators recommended that he pursue the brotherhood instead. In his remarks, he admitted that this wasn't an easy decision to accept. He returned to village of his family where he became a teacher and catechist and continued his discernment. Eventually, he decided to accept the recommendation of his formators and returned to the community to begin his formation as a lay brother. 

Blessing of Fr. Romuald by his fatherAs a young professed religious he was sent to the Institut Catholique in the capital city of Tananarive where he followed courses in theology with lay-people. It was during this time that he realized that he was taking the same classes as his brothers who were studying for the priesthood. When he succeeded quite well in these endeavors, he once again requested permission to pursue priestly ordination and this time met a positive response. Once he completed these studies, he had to undertake his philosophy studies at the major seminary in Fianarantsoa, thus reversing the normal sequence of studies.

During his homily, Most Rev. Fulgence Rabeony, archbishop of Tulear, recalled Fr. d'Alzon's deep love of his own diocese and its clergy and encouraged the Assumptionists who founded the diocese of Tulear to always maintain this love in Madagascar.

Last Updated on Sunday, 31 October 2010 23:51
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