Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Saint Peter-in-Gallicantu celebrates the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul PDF Print E-mail

The holy apostles Peter and PaulThe holy apostles Peter and Paul were honored, following a tradition launched last year, by the celebration of First Vespers, Friday, June 28, at 6 PM at our shrine of St. Peter-in-Gallicantu. The  service was presided by Most Rev. Giuseppe Lazzarotto, the new papal nuncio and apostolic delegate.

The celebration began at the bottom of the outdoor stairway. After reading the account of Jesus’ arres in the Garden of Gethsemani and his transfer the the house of the High Priest, where Peter followed at a distance, we were able to climb the holy stairway putting our feet where Jesus and Peter themselves walked.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 14:58

Flag of the United States of AmericaFather of all nations and ages, we recall the day when our country claimed its place among the family of nations; for what has been achieved we give you thanks, for the work that still remains we ask your help, and as you have called us from many peoples to be one nation, grant that, under your providence, our country may share your blessings with all the peoples of the earth.

Collect from Mass for Independence Day

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 July 2013 23:01
AN INTERVIEW with Br. Blair NUYDA A.A. PDF Print E-mail

Br. Blair NUYDA A.A.Interviewer - Would you share a bit about your background: family, childhood, early education, etc.?

- Br. Blair NUYDA A.A. - I grew up in a small family. I’m the only child of an engineer and a nurse. My grandaunt lived with us. She was a very religious person and she would bring me to Mass often. To keep up with the needs of the family, my mother had to work in the United States when I was in high school. As a student, I was very much involved in campus journalism and in parish liturgical ministry. Being a delegate of the historic 10th World Youth Day (1995) in Manila proved to be a life-changing experience, the initial attraction to heed the call to dedicate myself to follow and serve God as a religious.

Last Updated on Sunday, 30 June 2013 14:24
Ad hoc Commission on Education Meets in Paris PDF Print E-mail

Commission_on_Education_Meeting_in_Paris-2013At the request of the two superiors general of the Assumptionists and the Oblates, the members of an ad hoc committee to study the feasability of an international congress on education at the Assumption met in Paris on June 19 and 20, 2013.

The committee's work consisted in following up on a proposal for such a congress developed by Fr. Richrad Lamoureux and Sr. Claire Rabitz, former superiors general, and Br. Jean-Michel Brochec, an Assumptionist who dedicated most of his life to education and who edited the booklet entitled Teaching and Education in the Spirit of the Assumption.

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 June 2013 14:56
In touch with the Most Vulnerable Members of the Human Family: A First-hand Account of an Assumptionist working in a Refugee Camp PDF Print E-mail

Fr. François Nzanzu, A.A., far left, with other members of his Assumptionist community in GomaThe spirit of our founder impels us to embrace the great causes of God and man, and to go wherever God is threatened in Man and Man is threatened as the image of God (Rule of Life, #4b)

Assigned to the new community in Goma (Democratic Republic of the Congo/DRC) to be involved in radio communications, I find myself, instead, for the time being, in the sphere of the ‘formal’ word-of-mouth communication that takes place in refugee camps near Goma-Sake, with those who have had to flee militia violence in the area. It is a preferential option for the poorest levels of society, especially the most vulnerable displaced persons; the elderly, the handicapped, widows and widowers, unaccompanied children, and heads of households also need someone with whom to communicate in order to be healed of the loneliness they are suffering. This is my new way of ‘communicating  in another way »: confidential conversations in plastic-sheeted huts or simply outside in a field. These huts for the displaced are popularly called « blindés » (« armoured shelters »). The life lived there is not very attractive at all!

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 June 2013 14:09

Br. Lucian Danca A.A.(The following article appeared in the Assumptionist magazine, L’Assomption et ses oeuvres, April/May/June 2013 issue.)

I was born on a Saturday, December 15, 1984, in Adjudeni, a village located in northeast Romania, in the section of the country known as Moldavia. I was told that it was a bitter cold day, with heavy snow, typical of that time of year.  Although Romania is basically a Christian Orthodox country, I grew up in a Catholic village, where the church, with its characteristic bell towers, symbolized by itself alone the pride of these peoples who were to maintain their Catholic faith in spite of fierce persecutions that lasted almost half a century. I was fortunate to be one of the first generations of “free” children, that is, those who grew up after the fall of Communism in 1989. My family never longed to return to those days even if the transition was painful.

Last Updated on Monday, 17 June 2013 11:18
Medically Assisted Reproduction: A Debate PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Vincent Leclercq, A.A., M.D.An Interview with Fr. Vincent Leclercq, A.A., M.D.*
(This interview first appeared in the online newsletter

Doctor, Assumptionist priest, professor at the Institut catholique of Paris, Fr. Vincent Leclercq wears many hats. But there is no contradiction among them, he insists. Versed in ethical and bioethical questions, he is preparing a book at this time, to appear on April 12, entitle Fin de vie (End of Life) (1). He was recently invited by an organization called Traversée (2) to give a presentation and engage in a Q/A session on the theme, "Medically assisted and ethical reproduction."

- You are both a doctor and an Assumptionist priest… How did that come about?
- Being a doctor, that's who I am by training, my profession. Assumptionist, that's my vocation. In fact, the Assumptionists asked me to teach moral theology. I have specialized mostly in bioethics.

Last Updated on Friday, 14 June 2013 14:31
Brother Ronald Pronounces Final Vows (video) PDF Print E-mail

On Saturday, April 30th, 2013, the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Assumption College in Worcester, MA was filled with great joy, gratitude and celebration as Bro.Ronald Sibugan, A.A. pronounced his final vows as an Augustinian of the Assumption.

Sesquicentennial of a Visit: Fr. d’Alzon in Constantinople (21 February – 16 April 1863) PDF Print E-mail

Portrait of Fr. d'Alzon, 1863Early on the morning of Saturday, February 21, 1863 the Phase entered the Bosphorus straits after a week's voyage across the Mediterranean Sea. It was snowing. From the ship's deck, Fr. d'Alzon and his travel companion, Louis Guizard, trained at the Assumptionist high school in Nîmes, discovered an enchanting landscape: "a city of marble....under a wide-open sky," in the words of  Fr. Siméon Vailhé, the great biographer of Fr. d'Alzon. At the residence of the Patriarchal Apostolic Vicar, Msgr. Paolo Brunoni, Fr. d'Alzon received gracious hospitality. His first impressions of the city? He would write of them two days later in a letter to "his dear children" at Assumption high school (Collège de l'Assomption). "Constantinople is the most beautiful city in the world seen from afar and from the rooftops, but the streets!! Ah! It's unbelievable. People who are dirty; streets that are dirty; people on horseback continually splashing you; stagecoaches with drivers always on their feet; dead dogs; cobblestone streets that I can't possibly describe...."

Last Updated on Monday, 10 June 2013 16:07
Assumption College president named chair of National Review Board PDF Print E-mail

Francesco C. Cesareo, Ph.D., president of Assumption CollegeFrancesco C. Cesareo, Ph.D., president of Assumption College has been named the next chair of the National Review Board (NRB) by Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The NRB advises the bishops' Secretariat for Child and Youth Protection and was established by the Charter for Protection of Children and Young People, which the bishops adopted in 2002.

"It's a real privilege and great responsibility to serve in this capacity and to really help the bishops in the continued implementation of the Charter," President Cesareo told The Catholic Free Press, the diocesan newspaper of Worcester.

Last Updated on Friday, 07 June 2013 14:03
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