Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Who is Fr. Étienne Ratalata? Portrait of the new vice-provincial and future provincial of Madagascar PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Étienne Ratalata A.A.Fr. Rafanambinantsoa Joseph Étienne Ratalata, 43 years old, is the sixth child of nine (four boys, five girls). Three of his sisters are religious sisters. His family is from Fandrandava, a village located some 30 miles from Fianarantsoa where his father is a teacher at the Catholic mission school. It was there, with his father, that he went to grammar school. Afterward, he did junior high school with the Jesuits at Collège Saint-François-Xavier in Fianarantsoa from 1983 to 1987, and high school at the inter-diocesan seminary from  1987 to 1991. He first came to know the Assumptionists when he met Fr. Maurice Laurent who later welcomed him as a candidate in October 1991. Two years later, in 1993, he entered the novitiate under the supervision of Fr. Daniel Carton, and made his first vows the following year. Then it was off to philosophy at the major seminary of Vohitsoa (1994 – 1996). In 1997 there was a break in his studies as he spent an internship at the Assumptionist-run parish in Ejeda, under the direction of Fr. René Le Bec. Once he completed his theology (1997-2000) and his diaconate year, he was ordained a priest at the parish of Notre-Dame de l’Assomption in the Sanfily section of Tuléar on August 15, 2001, by the local bishop, Most Rev. Fulgence Rabeony.

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 October 2013 09:15

Each and every moment was special.

From my trip to Brazil for World Youth Day, I think the best part, in order of preference, was the pre-WYD mission week in the beautiful region of Minas Gerais where the Assumption has left its own mark, a history one can see in life’s day-to-day experiences. During the time we spent in Eugenopolis, Vieras and Queirozes you could feel the kindness of the people toward the Assumption wherever we went…in the welcome we received, the hospitality, the closeness, the simplicity.

Last Updated on Monday, 07 October 2013 10:08

FR. DONAT LAMOTHE A.A.On Sunday, September 15, 2013, the Department of Art, Music & Theatre at Assumption College presented a faculty and music staff concert to celebrate 50 years of teaching by Fr. Donat Lamothe, A.A.  Fr. Lamothe began teaching at Assumption in 1963, and is currently Professor of Music.

The program was chosen keeping in mind the various styles of music that Fr. Lamothe has taught over the years.  The concert opened with Bruce Hopkins, Director of the AC Band, playing the third movement of the Mozart Horn Concerto in E-flat on the corno da caccia, accompanied by Dr. Michelle Graveline.  Then Dr. Peter Clemente, Visiting Assistant Professor of Music, played three movements from the Suite III for violoncello, transcribed for guitar, by J. S. Bach.   Jonathan Bezdegian, Chapel Organist for the 7 pm Mass, followed with the organ solo Résignation, from the Pièces de Fantasie by French organ composer Louis Vierne.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 October 2013 21:14

POPE FRANCISWhat the Church is called to today  
Pope Francis to the bishops at Aparecida July 27, 2013

The icon of Emmaus as a key for interpreting the present and the future Before all else, we must not yield to the fear once expressed by Blessed John Henry Newman: “... the Christian world is gradually becoming barren and effete, as land which has been worked out and is become sand”.

Last Updated on Sunday, 22 September 2013 09:31

Spring NewsletterIn the Spring 2013, Vol. 11, Issue 1 of  “the assumptionist…” newsletter entitled “Where Are They Now…Ten Years Later,”  our hope was to provide an opportunity for more family sharing and dialogue between our readers and anyone who might be interested in reading and possibly connecting with Assumptionists from the past.

Some folks have been in touched with us and now we would like to share their responses with you.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 September 2013 10:51
Orientation at the Assumptionist Center PDF Print E-mail

Orientation at the Assumptionist Center

On Sunday, September 8th  the community and residents officially began another year at the Assumptionist Center in Brighton, MA. Beginning at Mass and during the orientation session, the new religious members and residents were welcomed and invited to introduce themselves. Continuing the celebration, everyone then enjoyed a cookout in the backyard with guests joining in on the fun and festivities!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 15:45
Fr. Donald Espinosa, A.A. Celebrates 50th Anniversary PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Donald Espinosa, A.A. Celebrates 50th Anniversary

On Sunday, September 1st, the community, residents and guests of the Assumptionist Center in Brighton, MA celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Fr. Donald, A.A.'s profession as an Assumptionist. Following Mass and during the social and lunch folks shared stories and  living memories of the impact he has had on the lives of many during his years as an Assumptionist. All wished him many more years of God's choicest blessings!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 15:34
Pope Francis Declares a Day of Prayer and Fasting PDF Print E-mail

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Hello!

Today, dear brothers and sisters, I wish to add my voice to the cry which rises up with increasing anguish from every part of the world, from every people, from the heart of each person, from the one great family which is humanity: it is the cry for peace! It is a cry which declares with force: we want a peaceful world, we want to be men and women of peace, and we want in our society, torn apart by divisions and conflict, that peace break out! War never again! Never again war! Peace is a precious gift, which must be promoted and protected.

There are so many conflicts in this world which cause me great suffering and worry, but in these days my heart is deeply wounded in particular by what is happening in Syria and anguished by the dramatic developments which are looming.

I’m at a conference on the relation between Buddhism and Christianity PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Barry BercierAs I jot down these first random thoughts on my experience here in Bangkok, echoing over the canal and rice paddies outside my window, the Muslim call to prayer is sounding: Allah, hu-akbar!  I haven’t suffered from much jet lag, but just the same, hearing that call I have to take hold of myself and ask, “Where am I?”  Suddenly I’m back in Jerusalem…where I was just a few weeks ago.  But no, this is Thailand and I’m at a conference on the relation between Buddhism and Christianity!

Last Updated on Monday, 02 September 2013 01:41
Students from Assumption Visit Israel PDF Print E-mail

Students from Assumption visit Israel

For some years now I’ve been bringing students from Assumption with me to visit Israel.  The Assumptionists have a place in Jerusalem where we can stay—it’s secure, inexpensive…and wonderfully located just outside the walls of the Old City.  It serves as our base as we hike around the city.  We visit the chief sites, especially those there linked to the Biblical texts—the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Western Wall, the Temple Mount-- places the students have all heard of, but which come awesomely alive as they walk about that city so dense with history.  Right on our property in Jerusalem, for instance, there is a stone stairway, part of an ancient walkway between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives;  it dates to the time of Jesus and was certainly used by him as he made his frequent treks between the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount just opposite.

Last Updated on Thursday, 29 August 2013 08:45
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