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Home WHAT’S NEW Assumptionists Invited to Washington to Speak about the Eastern Congo

Assumptionists Invited to Washington to Speak about the Eastern Congo PDF Print E-mail

 U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC On Thursday, August 22, 2013, Fathers Salvator Musande and John Franck had an extraordinary opportunity to present the work of the Assumptionists in the eastern Congo to a wide variety of personnel from governmental and non-governmental organizations. The meeting was arranged through the good auspices of Dr. Steve Morrison, the brother of Assumption business prof, Bart Morrision, Dr. Steve Morrison is currently the vice-president and director of the Global Health Office at CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), one of the largest and most influential think tanks in Washington, D.C. Present at the meeting were officials from the State Department and the Department of Defense, members of various offices at the CSIS (Africa, Global Health, Conflict Resolution, etc.), several representatives from humanitarian organizations, a recognized expert in current Congolese affairs, and two former United States ambassadors to Africa countries.

After presenting the wide network of works in which the Assumption Family is involved in the eastern Congo and numerous projects in the pipeline at present, Frs. Sal and John invited all the various agencies to join with us in addressing fundamental issues like food security, health, education, the transmission of reliable information, skills training, conflict resolution, etc. After the presentation, they entertained questions for more than an hour and a half. They came away with the clear impression that there is a sea change taking place in Washington with regard to the Congo, a commitment to try once again to bring some resolution to the conflict that has plagued the region for so long and a willingness to enter into partnership with local and trusted agents such as the Assumption Family.

The two Assumptionists argued that there is no other network of schools, hospitals, radio stations, and other service-oriented institutions in the area that is as trusted, committed, and knowledgeable.

If the unexpectedly high turnout and the quality and quantity of questions are any indication, interest in this issue is very high and the fact that participants stayed the entire two hours and beyond reflects their desire to pursue the partnerships Frs. Sal and John proposed.

Please keep this important matter in your continued prayers.

Last Updated on Sunday, 25 August 2013 16:21
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