Augustinians of the Assumption

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The Church needs prayer as much as apostolic zeal.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHO WE ARE History Cassadaga Seminary Students List of Students - 1967


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List of Students - 1967 PDF Print E-mail
Class Last Name First Name

1967 Afthim Michael
1967 Ahern James
1967 Anderson John
1967 Andino Thomas
1967 Baginski John
1967 Bedard Alan
1967 Bergeron Henry
1967 Carbonneau Claude
1967 Driscoll James
1967 Dupuis Robert
1967 Ferrucci Thomas
1967 Gagnon Irwin
1967 Gallant Richard
1967 Garon Charles
1967 Girard Michael
1967 Holmes Charles
1967 Klicl Frank
1967 Lavigne Roger
1967 Leiss Frederick
1967 McMaster Joseph
1967 Michaud Laurence
1967 Nizankiewicz Michael
1967 Parise David
1967 Payeur Richard
1967 Richer Gerard
1967 Robichaud David
1967 Spiecher Charles
1967 Taillon Leo
1967 Toth Stephen
1967 Tremblay Edward
1967 Walsh John


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