Augustinians of the Assumption

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The Church needs prayer as much as apostolic zeal.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHO WE ARE History Cassadaga Seminary Students List of Students - 1968


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List of Students - 1968 PDF Print E-mail
Class Last Name First Name

1968 Angiolieri Joseph
1968 Beaudoin Marc
1968 Brunetti William
1968 Byrd Martin
1968 Carbonneau Robert
1968 Collard Mark
1968 Currie Ronald
1968 Demblowski Dennis
1968 Dolan Garrett
1968 Doucette Gregory
1968 Gallant Paul
1968 Gardiner Robert
1968 Grondin Guy
1968 Hahn John
1968 Hoffman Francis
1968 Kowalski Edmund
1968 Maillet James
1968 Martin
1968 Ouelette Leo
1968 Palencia Jorge
1968 Pare Roger
1968 Pavlock Ronald
1968 Peterson Richard
1968 Purcell Steven
1968 Rankowski Charles
1968 Rocheleau Peter
1968 Sinclair
1968 Sommers William
1968 St Cyr Philip
1968 St Onge Paul
1968 Vanbenchhoten David
1968 Wegemer Gerard


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