Augustinians of the Assumption

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The Church needs prayer as much as apostolic zeal.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHO WE ARE History Cassadaga Seminary Students List of Students - 1966


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List of Students - 1966 PDF Print E-mail
Class Last Name First Name

1966 Arsenault Richard
1966 Aubuchon Francis
1966 Baril Denis
1966 Bilodeau Denis
1966 Blouin Raymond
1966 Bourdeau Richard
1966 Boutin Leo
1966 Bush Lawrence
1966 Cholewinski John
1966 Demblowski Ronald
1966 Desrosiers Roger
1966 Emmick Roger
1966 Giroux Douglas
1966 Heyl James
1966 Kacerik Joseph
1966 Laliberte Paul
1966 Lavalee Paul
1966 LePage Paul
1966 Lisowski James
1966 Lizee Rene
1966 Muldoon Clifford
1966 Ouelette Ronald
1966 Ravenelle Paul
1966 Rennekamp William
1966 Saucier Ronald
1966 Scott Clarence
1966 Shulik Bernard
1966 Soucey James
1966 St Marie Richard
1966 Super Gregory
1966 Thibodeau Alan
1966 Tremblay Richard
1966 Vidal Raymond


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