Augustinians of the Assumption

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Let us never forget that we desire to incarnate Jesus Christ in ourselves, live from His life, be other Christ’s, and journey together with Him.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Prayer in Time of Pandemic PDF Print E-mail

April 2, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope that this letter finds you well.  You and your loved ones are in my prayers in this difficult time. I am writing to you about prayer in this time of pandemic.

Bishop McManus has asked that each parish in our diocese take one day - one 24 hour period - during which, from home, one or more of our parishioners would pray for an end to the Coronavirus pandemic, the healing of the sick, the salvation of the dead and the protection of healthcare workers and those who keep the necessities of life flowing in our nation and throughout the world.

Our Parish has picked April 9th, Holy Thursday, as our day to pray in this particular way. We will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at St. Anne Church. We are inviting those who are able, to join us and spend some time in prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament but please be aware of the 10-person limit. Moreover, I am asking you to consider taking one hour on that day to pray from home. It could be by yourself or with your family. Some prayer suggestions follow. If you are able to take an hour on that day, please reply to me by email or Flocknotes with the hour you choose.

This time of pandemic must also be a time of prayer.  As Catholics, our part is not just isolating ourselves through social distancing, adapting and carrying on with the duties of our state in life.  As Catholics, our part is also to unite ourselves in prayer for the sick, our nation and the world.

Circumstances prevent us from physically uniting around the altar to celebrate the sacraments but they don’t prevent us from prayer.  May our fervent prayer unite us as one flock under one Shepherd --- the crucified and Risen Lord who is the hope of us all.

In Christ,
Fr. Alex, AA

« Let us fix our hope on God ! » PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Benoît Grière, A.A., Superior GeneralFr. Benoît Grière, A.A., Superior General

. Read more...  

Last Updated on Thursday, 02 April 2020 11:04


The most harrowing, heart-breaking aspect of this pandemic is the enforced separation of the sick and dying from those who love them. Having to stay away from your spouse or your parent or your best friend at their time of greatest need, how terrible is that. And then, in the case of those who die, to be deprived of a time to grieve together, or to wait until God knows when for a moment safe enough to congregate again. For as long as it lasts, the latter constraint imposes itself as well on those who are sick and dying from non-virus causes.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 19:59


Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 20:02


 Superior General meets with Lay Assumptionists in Mexico - PDF file

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 20:01

Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy

The rest of our Assumptionist Family may wonder what is happening at the Assumptionist General House amidst the alarming news that reaches us from Italy. The first thing we must say is that everyone in Italy is touched and in solidarity with the suffering experienced by many families infected by COVID-19. The daily life of the community is undoubtedly affected and for the moment the government has suspended all classes in colleges and universities, forcing our students to concentrate on their studies without leaving home. A decree issued yesterday by the Italian Bishops' Conference shows us how complex the current situation is:

The position of the Italian Bishops’ Conference which, through the dioceses and parishes, is close to every person, shares the common concern in the face of the health emergency affecting the country. Faced with this situation, the Bishops’ Conference - in a spirit of openness and collaboration - has adopted in recent weeks the measures by which the government has committed itself to fight against the spread of the coronavirus. The decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, which entered into force today, suspends "civil and religious ceremonies, including funeral ceremonies" throughout the country until April 3rd. The government's interpretation includes masses and funerals in its definition of "religious ceremonies.” This is a very restrictive passage, the acceptance of which causes suffering and difficulties for pastors, priests and the faithful. Acceptance of the decree is conditional only on the willingness to do one's part, even at this stage, to contribute to the protection of public health.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 20:00
Bishop Barron on the Coronavirus Quarantine PDF Print E-mail


Blaise Pascal said, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” This Pascalian “mot” has come to my mind a good deal in recent days as our entire country goes into shutdown mode due to the coronavirus. Perhaps we could all think of this time of semi-quarantine as an invitation to some monastic introspection, some serious confrontation with the questions that matter—some purposeful sitting alone in a room.

How Should Catholics Respond to the Coronavirus Pandemic? PDF Print E-mail


Fr. Mike Schmitz gives us some advice about how we should respond to the coronavirus pandemic. He begins with the story of the recent pilgrimage he took to Israel amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Last Updated on Sunday, 22 March 2020 16:40
A Reflection and Prayer from the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops PDF Print E-mail


Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles

With the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus, we are confronted once more with the fragility of our lives, and again we are reminded of our common humanity — that the peoples of this world are our brothers and sisters, that we are all one family under God.

God does not abandon us, he goes with us even now in this time of trial and testing. In this moment, it is important for us to anchor our hearts in the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Now is the time to intensify our prayers and sacrifices for the love of God and the love of our neighbor. Let us draw closer to one another in our love for him, and rediscover the things that truly matter in our lives.

United with our Holy Father Pope Francis, let us pray in solidarity for our brothers and sisters here and around the world who are sick. Let us pray for those who have lost loved ones to this virus. May God console them and grant them peace.

We pray also for doctors, nurses, and caregivers, for public health officials and all civic leaders. May God grant them courage and prudence as they seek to respond to this emergency with compassion and in service to the common good.

In this time of need, I invite all the faithful to seek together the maternal intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and I share this prayer with you:

Holy Virgin of Guadalupe,
Queen of the Angels and Mother of the Americas.
We fly to you today as your beloved children.
We ask you to intercede for us with your Son,
as you did at the wedding in Cana.

Pray for us, loving Mother,
and gain for our nation and world,
and for all our families and loved ones,
the protection of your holy angels,
that we may be spared the worst of this illness.

For those already afflicted,
we ask you to obtain the grace of healing and deliverance.
Hear the cries of those who are vulnerable and fearful,
wipe away their tears and help them to trust.

In this time of trial and testing,
teach all of us in the Church to love one another and to be patient and kind.
Help us to bring the peace of Jesus to our land and to our hearts.

We come to you with confidence,
knowing that you truly are our compassionate mother,
health of the sick and cause of our joy.

Shelter us under the mantle of your protection,
keep us in the embrace of your arms,
help us always to know the love of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Last Updated on Friday, 20 March 2020 10:37


March 18, 2020

Dear Friend,

During these trying and uncertain times, we want you to know that the monks are here for you. We are praying for you at all our prayers, and

we ask that you pray for us in return.

Here are some things that you can do during this crisis, which we hope will provide you with some peace and comfort:

  • Visit the Abbey church for your private prayers. The Church is open from 8 - 11:30 AM and from 1 - 4:30 PM. Social distancing will be in effect.
  • Send the monks your prayer intentions by email by clicking this link: email.
  • Watch our daily Mass ( Mon - Sat at noon; Sunday at 9:30) live on Facebook.
  • Share your love and faith with a loved one or friend and uplift their spirits by sending them a Mass Card or Spiritual Enrollment.We can personalize a message and send directly to your loved one. Order online or call 781-749-2155 ext. 342.
Last Updated on Thursday, 19 March 2020 12:27
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