After some hesitation, the Kinshasa Region, which is part of the African Province, has decided to establish the postulancy community in Bibwa, an area located on the outskirts of Kinshasa, some 40 km from the city center. The Province has a vast piece of land along a river, which allows for the development of food crops and livestock for self-financing. The Province of Africa had in recent years built the necessary premises for this installation.
In addition, in 2017 the congregation opened a primary school on the same site that is developing from year to year.
Although still rural, this area is nevertheless seeing more and more houses built that are occupied by poor families living mainly from the products of their fields.
Access to the Bibwa area is very difficult: from the national highway, it is necessary to take 6 km of sandy tracks before having to cross a river whose level can rise during the rainy season.
The purpose of this project is to build a small concrete bridge over the river that will allow pedestrians, motorcycles and cars to traverse it, and also to facilitate access to the Bibwa district not only for the Assumptionist postulancy community, but also for the children who attend our school and the wider population.
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