Augustinians of the Assumption

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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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News from Rome
AA News - October 2013 PDF Print E-mail

AA News - October 2013In this issue:

Prophets for today
John reveals to the novices of the United States the freshness of the meditations of Father d’Alzon
At the Abbey of the Mont des Cats. A symbolic retreat
Meditativeness in the Assumption
The Assumption in Asia: the beginning of the long march
The Bishop of Juazeiro visits Rome
An economic summit in Rome: the Provincial Treasurers in session
T estimonies
- I saw this “old” man on his knees cleaning the toilets
- I am an Assumptionist from India
Make nationalisms disappear
The transmission: a pedagogy not a demagogy
In the footsteps of those who risked their lives for the Kingdom
The House of Rome: new faces

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Last Updated on Thursday, 09 January 2014 00:08
AA News - July 2013 PDF Print E-mail

AA News - July 2013In this issue:

A Re-foundation for the Assumption
Fr. Etienne RATALATA, new man in charge of Madagascar
Canonical Visitation of the Chile-Argentina Province
Searching for the Star at San Pedro d’Atacama
Province of Europe: the Countdown Has Begun
The 2nd Inter-Asiatic Coordination Met at Gwangju (South Korea)
World Youth Day: the Time Has Come
Activities of the Office of Solidarity and Development
Emmanuel d’Alzon
Under the Icon of the Consolata: A Visit to Turin in April 2013
Archives of the Congregation
Remembrance and Patrimony

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Last Updated on Friday, 23 August 2013 11:49
AA News - April 2013 PDF Print E-mail

AA News - April 2013In this issue:

Latin-American Impressions
Father d’Alzon and the New Evangelization
The Blessing of the Villino Dufault
All the Way to the Middle Empire
The Augustinian Lectionary
The Correspondence of Father Victorin Galabert
The Alliance in Latin America
Our 2012 investments
In the working class and cosmopolitan East End of
London: Justin Mwenmdakulala in the service of a
parish and of a community.
The Church in Movement
An Astounding and Providential Coincidence

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Last Updated on Monday, 22 April 2013 00:38

Pope Benedict XVI waves to the faithful during his last general audience in St Peter's SquareBy Fr. John Franck, A.A., Assistant general

On a brilliant late winter day, between 150,000-200,000 people thronged into St. Peter's Square and the boulevard connecting it with the Tiber River, to bid farewell to a pope who had made history just a short time earlier by announcing his decision to step down as bishop of Rome, the first pontiff in modern history to do so. Flags from dozens of countries, banners from parishes near and far, multi-colored scarves from schools and colleges, huge signs from various Church movements dotted the Square and added to the festive climate of the occasion.

The Assumption Family was well represented at this historic event: members of the general house community, sisters of the larger Assumption Family, students from Assumption College's Rome campus, and journalists form various Assumptionist-sponsored magazines such as Le Pèlerin.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 12:55
Message of Fr. Benoit to Pope Benedict XVI PDF Print E-mail

Pope Benedict XVI and Fr. Benoît Grière, A.A. General SuperiorRome, February 22, 2013
Chair of Saint Peter

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Vatican City

Dear Holy Father,

On this feast of the Chair of St. Peter, the Augustinians of the Assumption are united with you in heart and prayer. It was with sadness that we learned of your decision to step down from the See of Peter, even if we understand the profound reasons for it.

On behalf of all the Augustinians of the Assumption and myself, I want to convey to you our gratitude for the dedication and ardor which were yours during these years of service to our Holy Mother Church.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 09:33
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