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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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News from Rome
Plenary General Council PDF Print E-mail

Plenary General Council 2016“Alone we go faster, with others we go farther.”

This African proverb quoted by the Superior General illustrates the conclusion of the work of the 10th PGC. Slowness is sometimes the “price to pay to have a true conscience of Congregation.” After a five year period of functioning, the PGC realizes that its “reflection had gained in depth in the past year, especially in the delicate file … of community re-organization,” thanks to the important decisions taken by consensus, an exercise “that requires humility for those in charge and a true spirit of collaboration for all.”

The PGC had begun with the participation of the Economic Council of the Congregation, the C.E.C., a positive and interesting initiative that showed the perspectives of the development of our Congregation, imposing foresight and a spirit of co-responsibility. “The Assumption, to pursue its mission, must have the economic and human means,” underlined Fr. General.

After having thanked Father Luiz Gonzaga for his welcome, he saluted the first participation of Father Juan Carlos Marzolla, the new Provincial charged with taking up “an immense challenge to allow the Andean Province to find the vigor and dynamism necessary to carry the Gospel to the 4 countries where it is present.” As we face rapid changes taking place in the Congregation, Fr. Benoît called for confidence: “our capacity to adapt will be determining to face the challenges of evangelization today.” Faced with secularism and individualism, it is a question of remaining “men of faith… We are not to fear the world but learn to love it,” he also underscored. “It is at that price that we will be able to contribute to change it,” The PGC was a time of meetings and discussions among Provincials, but also a time of evaluation together. That was the case for some mobilizing works into which are to be infused the spirit and the ambition of Father Emmanuel d’Alzon. The first nominations demonstrated that there exists from now on a greater solidarity in the mission, The Provincial Chapters are being prepared and we hope that they will produce ideal and new reflections or the General Chapter.

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Last Updated on Friday, 30 September 2016 12:45
AA News - July 2016 PDF Print E-mail

AA News - July 2016In this issue:
A Fire on Earth
Calls, Nominations, Changes
Kinshasa welcomes Father General
The Economic Summit of Pinhal
Assumptionist Solidarity Campagne, 2015
Pages of History
Ecological walk in the epistolary garden of Fr. d'Alzon
Near East Mission
The Jerusalem Meeting
10 keys to live better in community
1 The savor and the beauty of the word
2 The Apostolic Community
3 The Augustinian Community
4 The Assumptionist Community
5 Respect
6 Charity
7 Serviability
8 Edification
9 Dialog
10 Forgiveness and fraternal correction
Interview: Until Christ be formed in you
Witness: Led to God by the great painters
Our deceased brothers

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Last Updated on Friday, 30 September 2016 12:39
Pope’s Q & A at Meeting With International Union of Superiors General PDF Print E-mail

Pope Francis and Superiors General 2016Posted by ZENIT on 13 May, 2016

Below is the Vatican-provided translation of Pope Francis’ Q & A during his meeting with the International Union of Superiors General yesterday afternoon in the Vatican:


12 May 2016

First question

For a better integration of women in the life of the Church
Pope Francis, you have said that “the feminine genius is necessary in all expressions of the life of the Church and of society”, and yet women are excluded from decision-making processes in the Church, especially at the highest levels, and from preaching in the Eucharist. An important obstacle to Church’s full embrace of the “feminine genius” is the bond that both decision-making processes and preaching have with priestly ordination. Do you see a way of separating from ordination both leadership roles and preaching in the Eucharist, so that our Church can be more open to receiving the genius of women in the very near future?

Plenary General Council PDF Print E-mail

Plenary General CouncilIf the New Year was a book, this fifth PGC would be the page marker. 2014 invites us to be at the rendezvous of the events that will stand out. We are first of all invited to fraternity. The first message of Pope Francis at the 47th World Day of Peace: “fraternity, foundation and path to peace” was present to our debate when we spoke of the struggle to be had for Justice and Peace. We will have the occasion to deepen this dimension of our religious life since the next letter of Father Benoît Grière to the Congregation will talk about it and will prepare us for Year of Consecrated Life in 2015. Next April 24, John XXII and John Paul II will be canonized when a new page in the Assumptionist history will open: the session of the first Chapter of Europe, while in June for the first time, the 6th PGC will be held outside of Rome, at Saint-Lambert-des-Bois near Paris.

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Last Updated on Friday, 21 February 2014 13:16
AA News - January 2014 PDF Print E-mail

AA News - January 2014In this issue:
The Joy of Announcing
Augustin and Jackson ordained priests
Spiritual accompaniment in the Assumption`
A Distinguished Humiliation
The Language that We Learn from Another
The Ordination to the Priesthood of Fr. Tran Duc Long
Lost in Moscow
What Does a General Treasurer Do? The Mission of Brother Didier Rémiot
Nîmes Celebrates One of Its Sons
Prayer for the beatification of Father Emmanuel d’Alzon
The Alliance and the Way in the Congregation

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Last Updated on Thursday, 20 February 2014 08:13
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