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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters Provincial Chapter 2010-2012 Letter from the Provincial Chapter

Letter from the Provincial Chapter PDF Print E-mail

DECEMBER 27, 2010 - JANUARY 2, 2011


The Chapter of the Province of North America was happy to welcome and reflect with lay delegates, lay associates and lay collaborators involved in the Assumptionist mission, notably Bayard and Assumption College.

Together, we, lay people and religious, took the time to share our experiences, our convictions and our achievements to date.  We became more aware of our diversity and the diversity of our specific vocations, our connections, our commitments, and our areas of collaboration at the Assumption.  We reaffirmed our common intention to continue the path already taken, fully aware that all our questions have not yet been answered.

In response to the wishes of the lay people present, the Chapter commits itself to find paths whereby religious and lay people, and lay people among themselves, might meet more frequently, share their expectations (which are diverse) and their reflections, in order to be formed in the spirit of Assumption and collaborate in the steps of Father Emmanuel d’Alzon.

The Chapter commits itself to put into place a plan of action that would advance the lay/religious “alliance” (covenant).  This plan of action would specify the aims and the kinds of collaboration to be sought together.  It will provide a plan of action for formation and future areas of collaboration.

In order to implement this guideline, the Provincial Council will establish a lay/religious “think tank” charged with making concrete proposals at the next session of the Chapter of the Province of North America in July, 2011.

January 2, 2011
Feast of the Epiphany

Joseph Ai Nguyen Chi
Alex Castro
Miguel Diaz Ayllon
John Franck
Oswaldo Garcia Sanchez
Bernard Holzer
Peter Precourt
Marcel Poirier, Provincial
Flavio Bustos Castillo
Roger Corriveau
Donald Espinosa
Dennis Gallagher
Claude Grenache
Ricky Montanez
Edward Shatov

Last Updated on Friday, 14 January 2011 19:55
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