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Home WHAT’S NEW Chapters Provincial Chapter 2010-2012 Provincial Chapter - Summary

Provincial Chapter - Summary PDF Print E-mail

As we come to the end of the Christmas/Epiphany Season, we as Church have much to celebrate and look forward to as our brothers in Assumption have concluded their Provincial Chapter in North America, as it has reflected on the past and will impact the entire congregation in the future.

Along with several members of the Lay/Religious Alliance, Assumptionists from Canada, the U.S., Mexico and the Philippines, countries which constitute this province, met for six days to pray, discuss significant issues, assess achievements and challenges and plan for the future growth of the congregation with regard to fostering their vitality in the living out of their mission through their community life and apostolates. In order to do this, the chapter participants focused on resources, both personnel and financial, vocations, formation and the need to look at existing structures in the congregation.

Of particular note was the call to encourage the continued efforts of the entire congregation to embrace the Lay/Religious Alliance as it significantly furthers the charism of Assumption world wide. This effective reality gives great witness and evidence to the dream of Fr. d’Alzon and to the congregation’s gift of internationality to the Church.

At one point, Fr. Richard Lamoureux, A.A., Superior General, stated how critical and essential is for Assumptionists to become rooted in the culture and country where they serve, always with an eye on the rest of the world. This clearly means that openness to learning, especially to new languages, is a necessity.

Three examples of where Assumptionists and laity give particular apostolic presence and service to God’s people, among many, are in Canada, Mexico and the Philippines. At the center of culture and faith in Montmartre, Quebec, the mission of the Assumptionists and laity is to enliven the Church’s new evangelization efforts and to nourish the faith life of adults and the young, in a very secular society. This international Christocentric community reaches out to the local Church through prayer and action, as it also educates and cares for the poor, lonely and marginalized.

In Mexico, great strides are being made to evangelize, catechize, form prayer groups and offer counseling services, especially to the poor and those in extreme need, many of whom are victims of violence in its many forms. The possibilities of apostolic outreach are limitless.

In the Philippines, the Assumption Language Center which was begun in August, 2009 offers classes to those coming from other congregations serving several Asian countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand and Korea. This year the ALC will open a French Department with a full time volunteer. In no small way, the ACL is making a significant contribution to the growth of the Church in Asia.

And so, as men of communion who proclaim the faith in solidarity with the poor, the Assumptionists of this province look forward to May, 2011 and the General Chapter of the congregation in Rome!

Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 January 2011 21:35
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